It can be removed, but you have to be able to edit the style sheets to the forum....
Here is the first thing to look for....
<div><div style="height
x; width
x;"><script type="text/deferscript">
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
</script></script></div><div style="height
x; width
<script type="text/deferscript"><script type="text/javascript">GA_googleUseIframeRendering(); GA_googleAddAttr("forumid", "42");
GA_googleAddAttr("loggedin", "true"); </script></script></div></div> <div id="main-container" class="semi-fluid">
<div id="header">
<div id="header-area">
<a class="header-logo" href="/"></a>
<div id="header-ad"><div style="height:90px; width:728px;">
<script type="text/deferscript"><script type="text/javascript">GA_googleFillSlotWithSize("ca-pub-8810354328358242",
"SaltWaterFish_Forum_728x90", 728, 90);</script></script></div></div>
The Google Adsense stuff is your culprit, I didn't dig to see if there is any other advertising going on, but removing the google stuff is a big start.
Don't worry so much about your google placement, removing the adds creates a faster, cleaner forum, if you still want to keep your page rank on google just allow the search engine bots permission to crawl the forum.
Here is the first thing to look for....
<div><div style="height
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
</script></script></div><div style="height
<script type="text/deferscript"><script type="text/javascript">GA_googleUseIframeRendering(); GA_googleAddAttr("forumid", "42");
GA_googleAddAttr("loggedin", "true"); </script></script></div></div> <div id="main-container" class="semi-fluid">
<div id="header">
<div id="header-area">
<a class="header-logo" href="/"></a>
<div id="header-ad"><div style="height:90px; width:728px;">
<script type="text/deferscript"><script type="text/javascript">GA_googleFillSlotWithSize("ca-pub-8810354328358242",
"SaltWaterFish_Forum_728x90", 728, 90);</script></script></div></div>
The Google Adsense stuff is your culprit, I didn't dig to see if there is any other advertising going on, but removing the google stuff is a big start.
Don't worry so much about your google placement, removing the adds creates a faster, cleaner forum, if you still want to keep your page rank on google just allow the search engine bots permission to crawl the forum.