So we get free money from the IRS!!!!!!!


New Member
Originally Posted by peef
Has anybody else heard about the wonderful rebate we are getting from the IRS this year. Read this article to learn more about it. It sounds too good to be true, but I assure you it is! SWEEEEET New fishtank HERE I COME!
Thanks! Had heard about this but had been working to hard to catch the news.


Active Member
Sorry I said "free money" I do understand it is tax money we have already paid, I just said it wrong.
You know where that 700 billion went? I have it in my savings account!!! Bah, that would be nice. I can understand how you lose your car keys, a book, shoot even your whole car (I did this for 2 weeks and reported it stolen), BUT how can you lose SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS? Good lord thats a lot of money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
You know where that 700 billion went? I have it in my savings account!!! Bah, that would be nice. I can understand how you lose your car keys, a book, shoot even your whole car (I did this for 2 weeks and reported it stolen), BUT how can you lose SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS? Good lord thats a lot of money.
I can tell you where that $700 billion is. a lot of it is spread around the good ole boys in Washington (of BOTH parties not just one or the other). ever notice how all these politicians leave office with millions richer than when they went into office? and another good part of it is spread around the world to warlords to commit genocide against their people and other assorted favors. and then lots of it is lost in grants and other things that the govt is just too lazy to keep up with.
I read an article about a year ago about a sub-contractor that was supplying nuts and bolts to the military. LITERALLY, NUTS AND BOLTS. so if the military needed one specific bolt to be sent to them, that would be a "special order" and the price would be a premium. at one point, this sub-contractor got paid $68,000 for ONE SINGLE BOLT that cost about $1.50 to manufacture. there was no kind of checks and balance system. they would place the order, the contractor would send the invoice, and the government would pay it without any questions being asked. by the time the government finally caught up with thie contractor, they had already been paid a total of $90,000,000. unbelievable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
"And it is extra tax money that Uncey Sam took already"
That is what I said. They are taking the same amount they always have from me, so if I actually get it back that is nice for a change. Better than sending it to Bushs' personal war!
Zero attacks since 9/11 here at home. No need to thank Bush for your continued safety here at you get a little check.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Clinton didn't have to respond to terrorism. Granted Saddam was doing his thing and all, but that wasn't his fight. I don't want to turn this into another pro/con argument about the war...not my point by a LONG shot. But I do feel Clinton did more for this country than any president has for a long long time. And what do you feel we have accomplished in this war? Just a simple question not trying to rile anyone up here I promise. But what exactly have we done? Our brave soldiers are fighting for reasons half of them don't know. This particular war has gone nowhere. Just in my opinion.
CLinton could have responded to the initial attack on the WTC, but chose to treat this as a criminal act as opposed to an attack against this nation by terrorism.
Zero attacks at home since 9/11, plus very POSITIVE news coming out of Iraq since the surge strtegy has kicked in.
CLinton shrunk the military by 40%, and thats has been a tough hole to dig out of. he also sold or gave away miltary technology to China.
There is a large military base here in my town...the news coming back from Iraq from those on the ground is positive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Our brave soldiers are fighting for reasons half of them don't know. Just in my opinion.
What poll or research can you site where 50% of the military do not know what they are fignting for? Is this your opinion or fact? If it is your opinion...what is it based on? Just a number plucked from the air?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Nope but the highest gross national debt in HISTORY is. When Bill C had us in the positive. Bush is a failure.
Bill C never had us in the positive until after Newt and co had control of Congress and actually acted like Republicans and cut spending. However that was only on yearly budgets that there were any surpluses. The Government has been running a debt since before a majority of the people on this board were alive


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Clinton didn't have to respond to terrorism. .... ....
Which got us more terrorism... attacks on Cole, Embassies, etc.
I understand this is not the point of your thread, but when you throw out little snide (and factually in error) remarks you bring it up.


Active Member
CLinton could have responded to the initial attack on the WTC, but chose to treat this as a criminal act as opposed to an attack against this nation by terrorism. Zero attacks at home since 9/11,
Ok but how many were there before 9/11?

plus very POSITIVE news coming out of Iraq since the surge strtegy has kicked in.
Like what? Going home?

CLinton shrunk the military by 40%, and thats has been a tough hole to dig out of.
Why do you consider it a hole to dig out of? We are fighting a war that has nothing to do with us?

he also sold or gave away miltary technology to China.
Outdated and old technology that they could have bought on the black market. So he made us money that would have otherwise gone to.....terrorism. What have they done to us with that outdated technology? Nothing.....!

There is a large military base here in my town...the news coming back from Iraq from those on the ground is positive


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Which got us more terrorism... attacks on Cole, Embassies, etc.
I understand this is not the point of your thread, but when you throw out little snide (and factually in error) remarks you bring it up.

How is it factually in error?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
What poll or research can you site where 50% of the military do not know what they are fignting for? Is this your opinion or fact? If it is your opinion...what is it based on? Just a number plucked from the air?

If you read alot of interviews done with soldiers in Iraq and Afgan a very high number of them say they don't understand the point of the war. The initiall reason is there, yes, and valient. But why is it still going on? No need. So yes I will say sorry for saying "half" the soldiers that was a "grabbed from the air" number, but point in fact is alot of the soldiers do not want to be there and don't agree with why we are still there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
How is it factually in error?
*You've said Clinton "had us in the positive"
*You said Clinton didn't have to respond to terrorism
*You said Clinton sold outdated technology (study China's rocket program and the leaps it took in the 90's...)
*You called the Bushs' "private war".. Do I need, yet again, to post the dozens of quotes from leading Dems at the time calling for an attack?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Which got us more terrorism... attacks on Cole, Embassies, etc.

What is Cole?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
If you read alot of interviews done with soldiers in Iraq and Afgan a very high number of them say they don't understand the point of the war. The initiall reason is there, yes, and valient. But why is it still going on? No need. So yes I will say sorry for saying "half" the soldiers that was a "grabbed from the air" number, but point in fact is alot of the soldiers do not want to be there and don't agree with why we are still there.
Try reading from different sources...
If there is a single American that doesn't understand why we went into Afghanistan they need to be locked in a padded room... much less one of our military personal.
Iraq is one thing; but Afghanistan? Come on...


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
What is Cole?
USS Cole.
Missile Destroyer attacked by terrorists while refueling in Yemen in 2000.
17 US sailors killed.
40 injured.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
*You've said Clinton "had us in the positive"
*You said Clinton didn't have to respond to terrorism
*You said Clinton sold outdated technology (study China's rocket program and the leaps it took in the 90's...)
*You called the Bushs' "private war".. Do I need, yet again, to post the dozens of quotes from leading Dems at the time calling for an attack?

Clinton had the national gross debt lower than it has been in YEARS! What would it have accomplished if Clinton had attacked and killed everyone? Nothing, more people would have stepped up and attacked again when they wanted to.
I do agree that lots of people dem, repub, etc etc. called for INITIALL attack but come on five years later? And I ask again, what have we accomplished? What good has come of this war recently other than Bush nabbin Suddam?


Active Member
This tax rebate hasn't been passed yet right? The last I heard it was agreed upon between the House and the White House but the Senate still wanted to add stuff to the deal... So don't get to excited yet, the money isn't in your pocket just yet.
As far as I understand the deal is most people would get more of their taxes back with some lower income people getting more back then they paid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
USS Cole.
Missile Destroyer attacked by terrorists while refueling in Yemen in 2000.
17 US sailors killed.
40 injured.

I didn't know about that. But ok, 17 dead 40 many of them have we killed? And eye for an eye? That just doesn't sit with me. I TOTALLY agree with you about after 9/11 we needed to retaliate. TOTALLY! My whole point is the meaning of the war is lost.


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
I am not an economist so someone else more knowledgable please confirm but this ISN'T free money correct? This is actually an advance on a potential refund for your 2008 taxes, you are just getting the money in the mid 2008 versus early 2009.
Exactly! By 2009 you will have forgotten all about the money.Then you will see a line on your tax return about money previously paid to you.Please deduct this amount and voila your tax return is now lower that you expected.It's a Rapid Refund Loan" that you don't pay back and has no interest added to it.The gov't will take its cut later.Most people will probrably just make a larger Visa/MC payment and there goes the money!The economy will still be where it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
This tax rebate hasn't been passed yet right? The last I heard it was agreed upon between the House and the White House but the Senate still wanted to add stuff to the deal... So don't get to excited yet, the money isn't in your pocket just yet.
As far as I understand the deal is most people would get more of their taxes back with some lower income people getting more back then they paid.

Yeah but it is pretty much and expected pass. At least that is my understanding of it. The IRS is already preparing for it and tuning up the CPU's to handle it. I don't know if it has to do with getting more of your current taxes back because it comes as a seperate check after taxe returns are all sent out.