SocalNano24s Tank Diary


Active Member
Thanks! I'm really excited about it. I was really picky about the live rock I got, and it was pretty much encrusted with corraline; so I was fortunate.
However, looking back I don't think I had corraline spread to my walls until about the 6th week of my tank being set up (which from what I've heard is lightning fast). I've done water changes every week since I started between 12.5% and 25% (and since I use real ocean water, Catalina water which most of the LFS in OC have), I know I've always had good calcium levels. Now that I have alot more corrals I'm starting to use purple tech occasionally. Do you have any pictures of yours anywhere yet?


Active Member
Went diving when I was in cabo over the weekend. Left the tank for 5 days. It was 84 when I got home today in the early evening. SO hopefully it wasn't much hotter the rest of the time.
Here's some pictures of diving near the arch in cabo san lucas, mexico



Active Member
BTW: here's a list of some of the aquairum fish I saw
Fairy Wrasse (several 4-6" specimens, very light in color, typically in small groups on the sand, at about 25-30 feet
King Angel (see picture above) about 6-7 inches long, at around 40 foot depth in open water about 20 feet from the reef edge
Some indo-pacific striped damsels - (see pictures above) in groups of 10-20, about 6 inches long, at depths of 45-50 feet in open water about 20 feet from the reef edge
A green montipora shelving coral - Not sure what kind, It was all over the reef below 15 feet.
Brown Mushrooms - At about 45-60 feet, EVERYWHERE in some locations.
One batch of mushrooms was sheltering a 6 inch seahorse. Not sure of the kind, but I've never seen one in the wild, so that was special.
I think I saw some blue devil damsels, hovering against the reef and in rock rubble
Coral beauty's, about 4 inches long. At around 40 feet. In small groups of 3 or 4. Against the reef.
I saw a GIANT blue and purple trigger fish, that was probably about 24-30 inches long, and about 18" tall. It was swimming in about 35 feet of water near some similar sized parrot fish. The biggest trigger I've ever seen. It was AMAZING. (too bad the camera battery was dead on the second dive).
Otherwise saw some large sweet lips, and I'm not sure what the yellow schooling fish are that you see above.


Thats awesome dude! Had a similar overheating tank experience the other day. The halides went on but not the fan that i have blowing over the water. I think everything was pissed off but still alive. The water got up to 89. Super jealous about your dive!


Active Member
Wow, 89 is crazy. At least nothing melted! I hear thats what corals look like when they get too too hot.
Now that I've dove in water above 82 I don't feel so bad when my tank gets above 80. Good to know it occurs naturally in some areas!


Do you have any livestock plans for the coming weeks? I think I want to get some candy cane and a brain the next time I get something. Have you seen the ricordias? Those are pretty sick too!


Active Member
So I've started having issues with cyano and minor algae growing on my sand bed. So I added purigen and a new unit of chemi pure. So hopefully my issue will go away. Tomorrow I'm going to restest and see where I'm at. Having been on vacation lately, I haven't been able to do much other than change my water on a weekly basis.
I'll keep you posted.


Active Member
Well the monti is high in the tank; and it has grown since I've had it for about a month now.
I have 2 dual 36 watt blue and white PC's.
From what I can tell from others tanks, I've had good luck with my corrals so far.


Active Member
foreal! man thats super sweet! my bro in law has 4 65watt pc in a 55 and put the monti high and bleach in seconds!


Active Member
This is a bad news update....
I'm freaking out just a bit at the moment.
My LFS gave me Salt in my freshwater jug and freshwater in my saltwater jug. WHICH CLEARLY HAS MARKED LABELS. The saltwater has always been dead on for ph, salinity and whatnot, so I've stopped testing it and just heat it up to 82 before doing a water change.
I noticed that my torch was blowing up like a balloon and recognized that osmosis was taking place in the poor guy, after adding 5 GALLONS OF 1.0 SG water to the tank.
So I removed 5 gallons and added the other jug.
I think it killed the anemone, otherwise the torch is looking a bit better.
I know I know I should've tested, but GAHHHH I'm so mad at the fish store right now.


Active Member
Thanks for the sympathy. I'll post a new picture tonight to show how everyone is weathering. Based on this morning the torch has acclimated to the new salinity. It initially dropped from 1.024 to 1.020. Then It went up to about 1.021 when I tried to fix it, but it wasn't enough salinity to make up for the fresh. Decided not to try and bring it back up; I'm just gonna let evaporation take its course for a few days before I top it back up. (its plenty full at the moment)