SocalNano24s Tank Diary


Active Member
well good news....
the anemone seems to have acclimated today, and is no longer limp (definitley a good adjective to avoid in all aspects of life).
Otherwise nobody seems to have taken a big hit beyond the initial shock yesterday. I am going to add saltwater instead of freshwater as it evaporates till I get back u[p
I'll prolly post some new pictures this weekend. I did some fragging and move around stuff a lil


You should seriously complain to your lfs. thats some juvenille bs. glad everything is all back to normal. Will look forward to the pics.


Active Member

yay for the anemones recovery!

Full tank shot for everyone

Progress on the pillar

overhead one way

and the other
Hope you guys enjoy, as always let me know what you think!


Looking good...I'm very glad to hear that you are recovering from your little "mishap"
I do hope you let the lfs know about this though...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SocalNano24
come on nissan that update was for you!
sorry man i didnt see you updated!
but man i must say for you to keep the monti with PC im so proud of you! lol. really really sweet bro. maybe one of these days ill send you some frags to make your tank come out more. but give me months to let it grow! meaning dont get rid of your tank
lol. why dont you get some GSP, or Xenias?


Active Member
Thatd be sick alot of the stuff I have doesn't POP in colors like some peoples, but I haven't got anything from online or traded (theres only so much good stuff at the LFS's) , and I definitley don't have any reason to get rid of the tank. At the rate I'm interested in fish I'd only have another tank by then (if the economy ever fixes itself in Cali).
Yeah I've looked into getting some xenias, however I've heard they can be a plague if they like the water conditions too much. I don't actually know what a GSP is, have to look that up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
yep. lol.
and what she said!

good one!
Cool update, my neighbor is moving out to SF, and just gave me his 40 gallon breeder tank (brand new, still wrapped) and a JEBO 180 hang on tank skimmer. May need to start pricing and planning a new tank build


Active Member
Originally Posted by SocalNano24
good one!
Cool update, my neighbor is moving out to SF, and just gave me his 40 gallon breeder tank (brand new, still wrapped) and a JEBO 180 hang on tank skimmer. May need to start pricing and planning a new tank build
jebo sucks! its by brand from odyssea