Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders


Active Member
Ok, so lets just assume that it is proven that Obama is not a "natural born citizen" but just a regular citizen as his mother was an american.....
He gets booted, and Biden becomes prez. Would there then be a special election in place? To say the election was completely invalid and having no "president" is not an option, that would be chaos.
As I was thinking about this, I remember someone saying months ago that Biden was hoping on an aweful event to make him prez., is this his non-violent way of doing it?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Ok, so lets just assume that it is proven that Obama is not a "natural born citizen" but just a regular citizen as his mother was an american.....
He gets booted, and Biden becomes prez. Would there then be a special election in place? To say the election was completely invalid and having no "president" is not an option, that would be chaos.
As I was thinking about this, I remember someone saying months ago that Biden was hoping on an aweful event to make him prez., is this his non-violent way of doing it?
Good question,Amendment XXV lays the groundwork for this but it could be argued that the President/Vice President ticket is null and void there should be a Special Election, that would probably make
Pelosi temporary Commander in Chief???? OMG!
Presidential Succession Act- GOD help us


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
"Them" was a "IT" and "IT" was a copy .
It seems than many lawmakers,politicians and American citizens where less than convinced with "IT"
I've been trying not to be too direct with anyone, but dude you are dense. You've got some heavy duty blinders on to anything but what you think. I think they could take you back in a time machine and have you watch Obama's birth and then you'd say he was switched out with a foreign born baby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
"Them" was a "IT" and "IT" was a copy .
It seems than many lawmakers,politicians and American citizens where less than convinced with "IT"
And if you needed "IT" for verification of your citizenship, "IT" would be a copy as well, if you didn't have your original available. Could there be a remote possibility that Obama's mother lost or misplaced his original birth certificate? If so, the only thing available would be a COPY.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
And if you needed "IT" for verification of your citizenship, "IT" would be a copy as well, if you didn't have your original available. Could there be a remote possibility that Obama's mother lost or misplaced his original birth certificate? If so, the only thing available would be a COPY.
Yeah, this whole situation has been completely ignored....and I use ignored b/c I don't think they are really as stupid as Rush and would have come to this possibility by now.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Good question,Amendment XXV lays the groundwork for this but it could be argued that the President/Vice President ticket is null and void there should be a Special Election, that would probably make
Pelosi temporary Commander in Chief???? OMG!
Presidential Succession Act- GOD help us
For the sake of argument Obama was found to be ineligible the next highest vote getter would be sworn in. I think it would be given to McCain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
For the sake of argument Obama was found to be ineligible the next highest vote getter would be sworn in. I think it would be given to McCain.
really? That's interesting, so the whole ticket would be found ineligible? So someone that lost both the electoral college and popular vote would become prez....
So, just to push it farther, lets say that McCain declined to take it as he was trying to retain his pride and not be winner by default, would it then go to a 3rd party candidate?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
I've been trying not to be too direct with anyone, but dude you are dense. You've got some heavy duty blinders on to anything but what you think. I think they could take you back in a time machine and have you watch Obama's birth and then you'd say he was switched out with a foreign born baby.
Well "Dude" i have no problem being direct with you or anyone when it comes to exercising my rights that i currently have.One of them is to question my government.So if you go back and read everything that i have posted you will find that i didnt say he wasnt born here.What i have said is ,his eligibility to be POTUS has been questioned and it is a possibility that it is correct.I have also said he should back it up since a large portion of this country has question his legitimacy.He can ,should and must provide such proof .Thus far he hasnt.
I understand you have drank the Kool aid and do support Obama,hell I once supported Sammy Sosa until i found out he was a fraud.I didnt want to believe it until the cork popped out of his bat.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
For the sake of argument Obama was found to be ineligible the next highest vote getter would be sworn in. I think it would be given to McCain.
Even so Nancy Pelosi would be acting President until such time.

Can you immagine how much havoc that woman could create in a few days.LMAO if you think this last Spedulas bill was bad.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
And if you needed "IT" for verification of your citizenship, "IT" would be a copy as well, if you didn't have your original available. Could there be a remote possibility that Obama's mother lost or misplaced his original birth certificate? If so, the only thing available would be a COPY.
Original hospital archive records would work ,but only if they werent lost as well. When you check into the hospital there are records,well unless his mother actually gave birth to him in a manger.
BTW i have my original birth certificate,baptismal papers,i even have a original baby foot print for proof lol
If i where a unknow criminal im sure the FBI could find out who i was,where i was born ,when i was born.......... paper trail

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by sickboy
really? That's interesting, so the whole ticket would be found ineligible? So someone that lost both the electoral college and popular vote would become prez....
So, just to push it farther, lets say that McCain declined to take it as he was trying to retain his pride and not be winner by default, would it then go to a 3rd party candidate?
Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (Amended)
(2) An individual acting as President under this subsection shall continue so to do until the expiration of the then current Presidential term, but not after a qualified and prior-entitled individual is able to act,

I think this means a new election would have to take place.
I think in order to be entitled you would have to be elected not runner up.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Add one more to the Military suit:
Major General Carroll D. Childers (USA Retired)
"I agree to be a plaintiff in the legal action to be filed by Orly Taitz, Esq. in a PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT THAT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT of the U.S., nor TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the U.S. ARMED FORCES, in that I am or was a sworn member of the U.S. military (subject to recall), and therefore when serving as an active member of the military, I would be unable to follow any orders given by a Constitutionally unqualified Commander In Chief, since by doing so I would be subject to charges of aiding and abetting fraud and committing acts of treason.


You are not just saying that it's been brought up and it is a possibility. You are whole-heartedly supporting it as if it's an established fact, and you talk about drinking kool-aid. Btw, nice job generalizing everyone who voted for Obama like that. It's real big of you to do...real mature. According to you, nobody made an educated decision before voting, and if you look at the video link I posted previously, it looks like a lot of the people who didn't support Obama had ridiculous notions that he was a muslim, etc. They did not vote on issues, but on unsubstantiated rumors...Kind of like the one this thread is about. I can't wait for this case to be dropped, which it will be. It's like putting Bigfoot on trial.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
You are not just saying that it's been brought up and it is a possibility. You are whole-heartedly supporting it, and you talk about drinking kool-aid. Btw, nice job generalizing everyone who voted for Obama like that. It's real big of you to do...real mature.
Well if you can read my mind and know what im whole-heartedly thinking then i dont need to say what im thinking right now.......(friggin Kool Aid Drinkers).....
I said it is possible that he is not a Natural Born Citizen ,i never said it isnt possible that he is a Natural Born Citizen.I also said im interested to see where this goes so maybe ,just maybe he will prove it and this can be put to bed.His "Transparency" seems to stop when it comes to proving this.
BTW If you check its not the only case pending.

Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Add one more to the Military suit:
Major General Carroll D. Childers (USA Retired)

"I agree to be a plaintiff in the legal action to be filed by Orly Taitz, Esq. in a PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT THAT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT of the U.S., nor TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the U.S. ARMED FORCES, in that I am or was a sworn member of the U.S. military (subject to recall), and therefore when serving as an active member of the military, I would be unable to follow any orders given by a Constitutionally unqualified Commander In Chief, since by doing so I would be subject to charges of aiding and abetting fraud and committing acts of treason.

Right place and right time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Original hospital archive records would work ,but only if they werent lost as well. When you check into the hospital there are records,well unless his mother actually gave birth to him in a manger.
BTW i have my original birth certificate,baptismal papers,i even have a original baby foot print for proof lol
If i where a unknow criminal im sure the FBI could find out who i was,where i was born ,when i was born.......... paper trail
You need to head to the Kentucky Derby and run that race. With those blinders you have on, you won't get distracted at all by the other horses. I just don't understand why he has to provide some original documentation, when the Hawaiian authorities have provided what they consider a legal copy of his birth certificate. I don't know why this doesn't register in your brain. I would say that the majority of Americans don't have the original copy of their birth certificate. Especially those of us that were born in the 50's and 60's or earlier. If they need proof of their birth, they would do exactly what Obama did, and obtain a copy from the county or state authorities where they were born. There's not a government agency in this country that wouldn't accept this form of documentation as proof of residency. But all these 'Ultra-Republican Sore Losers' want to see his ORIGINAL birth certificate. Get over the fact that McCain lost, and move on. How many millions of dollars have been wasted on these ridiculous frivolous lawsuits? You whine about Obama's stimulus package, yet you have no problems with the ambulance chasers collecting millions of dollars in fees, and wasting months of a judge's valuable time chasing after some stupid lawsuit.


I was born in 82 and my birth certificate is a copy. They even sent me a wallet size one...I guess that one is even less real.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You need to head to the Kentucky Derby and run that race. With those blinders you have on, you won't get distracted at all by the other horses. I just don't understand why he has to provide some original documentation, when the Hawaiian authorities have provided what they consider a legal copy of his birth certificate. I don't know why this doesn't register in your brain. I would say that the majority of Americans don't have the original copy of their birth certificate. Especially those of us that were born in the 50's and 60's or earlier. If they need proof of their birth, they would do exactly what Obama did, and obtain a copy from the county or state authorities where they were born. There's not a government agency in this country that wouldn't accept this form of documentation as proof of residency. But all these 'Ultra-Republican Sore Losers' want to see his ORIGINAL birth certificate. Get over the fact that McCain lost, and move on. How many millions of dollars have been wasted on these ridiculous frivolous lawsuits? You whine about Obama's stimulus package, yet you have no problems with the ambulance chasers collecting millions of dollars in fees, and wasting months of a judge's valuable time chasing after some stupid lawsuit.
I would have blinders on and be a sore loser if my only intent was to dethrone Obama because i am against him and his policys,which i am against his policys.But im more concerned with his Constitutional requirements to be POTUS as it would be for any other man or woman that that held this office.You on the other hand seem to think Constitutionality dosent matter in this case and the only thing that is important is that he is POTUS.
This civil movement is growing and at some point the courts are going to have to hear this case,or one of the dozens of other ones from the military,politicians ,and the People.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
I was born in 82 and my birth certificate is a copy. They even sent me a wallet size one...I guess that one is even less real.
I was born in "67" and i have my original
big deal.This can all be put to bed if he would quit fighting and show some "Transparency"that he is so big on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I would have blinders on and be a sore loser if my only intent was to dethrone Obama because i am against him and his policys,which i am against his policys.But im more concerned with his Constitutional requirements to be POTUS as it would be for any other man or woman that that held this office.You on the other hand seem to think Constitutionality dosent matter in this case and the only thing that is important is that he is POTUS.
This civil movement is growing and at some point the courts are going to have to hear this case,or one of the dozens of other ones from the military,politicians ,and the People.

Where do you get that? If he violated the requirements for becoming President, I'd have no problem disallowing him. But the fact of the matter is, he has provided LEGAL and VIABLE documentation to prove his residency status. You're just to stubborn to accept it. The little grassroots effort to try and bring this forward is a waste of money and valuable time in the court system. You want to keep chasing it, just keep on pluggin'. But don't come on here crying about all the money the Administration is wasting, when you're little bunch is wasting just as much chasing some bogus claim.