Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
in 2003 we were fighting Saddam's regime for refusing to live up to his side of the peace agreement he signed after the Gulf War.
After the insurgency began, until today, we are fighting the Global War on Terror here in Iraq.

Oooo, I thought the "war" was about those elusive weapons of mass destruction. The when the "insurgency" began we were fighting the so called "terrorists" that took down the twin towers..
Thanks for the enlightenment however!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Oooo, I thought the "war" was about those elusive weapons of mass destruction. The when the "insurgency" began we were fighting the so called "terrorists" that took down the twin towers..
Thanks for the enlightenment however!

Hey! This isnt the topic, go start your own if you dont want to stick to the topic.

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by socal57che
I just posted the link to show the guy the difference between NATURALIZED and NATURAL BORN
. Obummer is not the first one to deal with it. There is a difference. God knows why, but there is a difference. I would vote for Henry Kissinger in a heartbeat.
Thanx for the information socal,i think/hope that this will clear up this question of eligibility.


Born here or not he's better than bush this>
guy would be better than Bush. He won the vote and wouldn't be where he is if he didn't have the credentials. this thread is pointless. Oh and he's less likely to have a heart attack as Mccain.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by kmart189
Born here or not he's better than bush this>
guy would be better than Bush. He won the vote and wouldn't be where he is if he didn't have the credentials. this thread is pointless. Oh and he's less likely to have a heart attack as Mccain.
Thank you for your very valuable medical and constitutional contribution to this debate.
I wish you would have posted earlier and we could have resolved this earlier.

Wisdom as it is proclaimed by"Kmart"


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Hey! This isnt the topic, go start your own if you dont want to stick to the topic.
Someone else decided to go off topic, than 1journeyman had to put in his 2 cents, so thought I would reply.


Wisdom by Kmart LOL!! Wal-Mart will be next. But back on topic. From everything I have read it will be rebuffed or ignored. Though I wish it wouldn't be. Obama should just provide it, unless he has something to hide. Things that make you wonder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
Wisdom by Kmart LOL!! Wal-Mart will be next. But back on topic. From everything I have read it will be rebuffed or ignored. Though I wish it wouldn't be. Obama should just provide it, unless he has something to hide. Things that make you wonder.
And yet once Again....HE DID. I don't know about you, but I just assume my birth certificate is real, is yours real?


Active Member

Originally Posted by socal57che
I just posted the link to show the guy the difference between NATURALIZED and NATURAL BORN
. Obummer is not the first one to deal with it. There is a difference. God knows why, but there is a difference. I would vote for Henry Kissinger in a heartbeat.
I know the difference between Naturalized and Natural Born. That point is irrelevent. AGAIN, show where in the CONSTITUTION it states the definition of Natural Born Citizen. Mr. Vici claims the 2nd Amendment is the "Law Of The Land", and it's the only statement that matters regarding the resident qualifications of the President. So based on that, your little reference document is meaningless. If it ain't in the Constitution, it don't matter (per The Vici).
This entire argument simply amazes me. It's incredible someone has this thought process, and honestly thinks Obama isn't legally the President based on some conspriacy theory about his legal residency status. If this is the consensus of all the Republican conservatives in this country, then I am thrilled Obama was elected.


Active Member
Bill Clinton the Lefts PREVIOUS IDOL had this same issue within HIS CABINET. IF somehow it had gotten to the Sec of State during his 2nd term who is 4th to Succeded if the President Dies. Madeline Albright COULD NOT SERVE because SHE HAD BEEN BORN IN IIRC YUGOSLAVIA OR AUSTRIA and later IMMIGRATED TO THE USA. IF THE SAME THING CAN BE PROVED ABOUT OBAMA HE IS NO LONGER THE PRESIDENT REGARDLESS OF WTF YOU THINK PER THE US CONSTITUTION THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND END OF STORY.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
And yet once Again....HE DID. I don't know about you, but I just assume my birth certificate is real, is yours real?
Copy...copy....copy....copy......where is the original?Show some hospital records...........Is that to much to ask?

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
I know the difference between Naturalized and Natural Born. That point is irrelevent. AGAIN, show where in the CONSTITUTION it states the definition of Natural Born Citizen. Mr. Vici claims the 2nd Amendment is the "Law Of The Land", and it's the only statement that matters regarding the resident qualifications of the President. So based on that, your little reference document is meaningless. If it ain't in the Constitution, it don't matter (per The Vici).
This entire argument simply amazes me. It's incredible someone has this thought process, and honestly thinks Obama isn't legally the President based on some conspriacy theory about his legal residency status. If this is the consensus of all the Republican conservatives in this country, then I am thrilled Obama was elected.
How in the hell did the 2nd Amendment get into this debate?
My argument is based on that Article II Section 1 of the US Constitution CLEARLY states the qualification to be POTUS,and that there are now two active duty soldiers who doubt his eligibility to be POTUS. In addition there are thousand of American citizens who also have doubts, some of which happen to be ex military and current politicians,some of which are democrats.
The US Constitution, the framework of our country that sets the standard on which our laws are written are non negotiable they are the laws of the land set forth by our forefathers.Unless Article II Section 1 is amended it states clearly that:
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

Period...End of Story.... If you still dont realize this with all the evidence and writing provided then this discussion is for not.You cant or wont see the facts and undeniably of the writing of the US Constitution.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I know the difference between Naturalized and Natural Born. That point is irrelevent. AGAIN, show where in the CONSTITUTION it states the definition of Natural Born Citizen.
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."


i swear i never knew Rush had so many fans still. I am sorry i feel i am pretty moderate but some of you are the right of the right and thats whats wrong with the country. the right has gotten off track. went way to right. as to the birth certificate try to google you will find it. he was born in usa. that it some far right bull crap to talk of our leader that way.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
i swear i never knew Rush had so many fans still. I am sorry i feel i am pretty moderate but some of you are the right of the right and thats whats wrong with the country. the right has gotten off track. went way to right. as to the birth certificate try to google you will find it. he was born in usa. that it some far right bull crap to talk of our leader that way.
If you will go to the start of this thread and actually read it you will find it has nothing to do with Rush .It had to do with a US Soldier and now two.


i did read it all the way. and i got to the end and i said how can people come up with some of this crap. how i feel a about the soldiers i am not sure in one hand you signed up to be in military so you should fullfill your word to your country. in the other hand should you be forced to fight a war you dont believe in. i dont know this thread didnt help me answer that question for myself. i think we just need to hurry up get out of there and stop blowing money there i guess.