Some pictures:


Active Member
My emerald doesn't eat hair algae at all. The tang, when it was alive wouldn't eat this stuff either. Neither did a rabbitfish I tried. Hell, even my domino, which in the wild farm algae for food, doesn't touch it.
As far as hermits go: I currently have blue-leg, scarlet, zebra and orange claw. Plus one lone crab that I have never been able to identify. Maybe a 10-20 hermits all together. I had quite a bit more, but natural selection/food availability cut that number way back. For those of you that have never read my article: HERMITS 101.


your pics are awsome. I was wondering what size tube( diameter) you use for drip acclimating?


Active Member
Here are some new photos, enjoy!

CLICK the FTS to see a large view... you can see most of the major inhabitants of the tank!


Active Member
Thank you.

Not so much anymore, the tank has been running 16 months now. But, I do find something interesting everyday, like the way certain colors looks great next to one another, i.e. the orange starfish next to the blue-green mushroom.


Active Member
I first noticed this urchin in my tank when it was smaller than a pencil eraser. Now it is about 2 inches across:


Active Member
nice pics wax!!! your urchin looks great...i have another like it, but green, not sure where he ran off too though, they used to be a bit smaller.