Some pictures:


Active Member
Like most stars, "not really sure what they eat". Other than that, probably not. They are so small, I reckon if you have a well aged tank (like yours) they'd do fine.


Active Member
I really like your fromia star, every time I see it I think about getting one for myself. My concern is that it will knock my rocks around since I don't seem to stack my rockwork well. Have you had any problem with your seastars knocking over rocks or small coral fragments?


Active Member
Here are a couple of new shots. One showing the hawkfish I got and one showing the "pendant" I am working on for my VHOs.



Active Member
I released the blue devil back into the display, after letting the wrasse and hawkfish settle in. So far so good!


Active Member
Those blue mushrooms are some of the brightest blues I've ever seen. Where did you get those?


Active Member
Thanks Bronco:
To polish my water a little. I am not running a skimmer these days, but I figure my water could use a little filtering since I feed my fish a lot.

Some people say the bio-wheels can become nitrate factories because they are so efficient for getting ammonia to the bacteria that colonize them, but I'll reserve judgement until it's run for a while.


The star is my favorite part!!!! Will any kind of star try and get out of the tank, or do they know better then to crawl out of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
From a local store in New Orleans. 40 bucks.

I'm finally going down there for work, i'm gonna stop by that store you suggested a while back(if i can remember where it is).


Active Member
As usual, your pics rock!
I often refer people to your "hermit" thread. Very informative.
You (and bronco300) have some of the best looking zoos and shrooms in! ***)