You know, I've seen Steve's tanks about 5 times. He NEVER had the lights on once. I don't even think he had the PM when MEP got his. I could be wrong, doesn't matter, Carlos and Steve used to be partners so its all the same.
Aww, you heard about the Mantis shrimp. I didn't want to mention that because I know how some people frown on them. I just buy him a tang or other expensive fish, you know, like a little buddy to play with. Once he gets tired of it he kills and eats it.
I don't use a cello sponge to clean my tank silly. I use a toilet brush. They have a new one out, it has a little canister (like shaving cream) all you do is pull the trigger and it shoots out the disinfectant. You get a real clean sweet smelling tank, you have to shoot the stuff up along the top edge of the tank and let the thick foam slowly fall down the sides...just makes things easier to clean.