Something to look at, comment if u want


That my friend is a donut coral. Very sweet tasting coral. I was moveing him around one day and he slimed me. Shortly after that I was bagging a frag and licked my finger to open the bag, very sweet. Don't recommend trying that with just any coral. But sadly my eibli angelfish found out that he was sweet also. Very sad


Active Member
your tank is awesome squishy very very nice now ur makin mine look bad!

like the abalone i have a huge one in my tank too that came in as a lil baby hitchicker maybe 2 years ago but it has grown outrageously!
look fwd to more pics in the future!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rara12
get a coco worm. That be a good addition. Maybe some other nudibranchs. What cool things

They may be cool, but they most likely won't survive.


Coco worm over a year old
fish eating nudibranch 11 months old
spanish dancer over a month old
sea cucumbers 1.5 years old
lettuce nudibranch 8 months old
PS i have seen ur tank on here Murph145 I think it is the other way around


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squishy
Coco worm over a year old
fish eating nudibranch 11 months old
spanish dancer over a month old
sea cucumbers 1.5 years old
lettuce nudibranch 8 months old
PS i have seen ur tank on here Murph145 I think it is the other way around

I have had two cukes for about 6 months. The nudis I was referring too are not lettuce (I know they can live in a tank). What is a fish eating nudi? I love nudis and would like one. What do spanish dancers eat?


nice tank..yea more pics please. Arnt you worried about your corals being too close. I have 7 corals in my 75 gallon reef and i am worried about adding more


the 4th pic from the bottom with the little bule with yellow tips is a fish eating nudi. He likes eating yellow sponges and the odd purple one. the spanish dancer combs the rock looking for the sponge of his choice. Think he likes the yellow whitish ones. I have also had many other nudis in my tank and some have lasted months some weeks some just disapear within a day. JUST REMEMBER ALWAYS RESEARCH YOUR NUDI BEFORE ADDING. if one dies get him out quick if one disapears run some carbon for 2 or 3 days. Now i know I will probaly get flamed for this but a nudi does not have a long life span in the wild so I choose to give them whatever lifespan that they may have in my tank. Just remember that some can and will wipe out your tank if not taken care of.



Originally Posted by teviesfish
nice tank..yea more pics please. Arnt you worried about your corals being too close. I have 7 corals in my 75 gallon reef and i am worried about adding more
I learn by trial and error and research. Many and I mean many corals can live side by side(oh I feel the comments on this are comming) Some can even benifet each other. Of course use common sense if the coral has 6 inch stingers don't put a coral 2 inchs away. Reseach is the best and of course this is not a science try stuff let people know it worked for ya and if it didn't work don't try it again. This is a hobby that no one has mastered and probaly never will. Now that I have ranted let the flamming begin


Active Member
Squishy said:

I learn by trial and error and research. Many and I mean many corals can live side by side(oh I feel the comments on this are comming) Some can even benifet each other. Of course use common sense if the coral has 6 inch stingers don't put a coral 2 inchs away. Reseach is the best and of course this is not a science try stuff let people know it worked for ya and if it didn't work don't try it again. I totally agree with you here , no need for flaming in my eyes. I have lots of corals touching each other in my 210, with no problems. I must tell you squishy that is a great looking tank that you have there. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squishy

I learn by trial and error and research. Many and I mean many corals can live side by side(oh I feel the comments on this are comming) Some can even benifet each other. Of course use common sense if the coral has 6 inch stingers don't put a coral 2 inchs away. Reseach is the best and of course this is not a science try stuff let people know it worked for ya and if it didn't work don't try it again. This is a hobby that no one has mastered and probaly never will. Now that I have ranted let the flamming begin

i totally agree with you here. I dont think anyone would flame you for giving that advise. I too, have lots of corals touching each other in my 210 with no problems. I must say your tank is just great looking. Really nice


Originally Posted by misfit
i totally agree with you here. I dont think anyone would flame you for giving that advise. I too, have lots of corals touching each other in my 210 with no problems. I must say your tank is just great looking. Really nice