Originally Posted by
Actually it is a newer Radium 20k
Here is a full tank shot from 02-Dec-08 at the end of what I consider the life of the bulb at. 00 k Radium with 6 months run time. Close to 2,000 hours.
Here is the new shot from 12-Feb-09 with the 20k Radium and about 230 hours.
I also think that some of the yellow color in the pics are definitly related to the angle, what is being shot etc. I am not the pro or even amateur photog that I should be.
I can definitely see the difference now. The full tank shot looks awesome. I want to change my bulb soon, even though it is fairly new (got the fixture in late November). The stock bulb that came with the Sunpod just doesn't have as nice a color as that 20K Radium does.