Spelling mistakes that bug the bonkers out of you....


Well-Known Member
Sure, I know we live in a fast paced, txt-it-kwik, can't-be-bothered-with-grammar world. I know we all make stupid spelling mistakes. Most of us catch the mistake and laugh it off, but won't make it again. Some even go back and fix it.
There are some things that just bug me. Spelling mistakes that are deliberate and repetitive just get under my skin. My right eye starts twitching, the vein over my temple starts pulsing, and my thoughts turn to images of rusty shovels and large blunt objects as methods of correctional tools.
There's one that has popped up a few times lately both on this site and another I often frequent: Hobbie.
NO .
It is not spelled with an -ie. It's a frikkin' -y. H.O.B.B.Y. Would you call your newborn a Babie? Would you go buy a piece of Candie? Where does the desire come from to deliberately replace the correct spelling with some candy-coated cute spelling that only looks adorable to girls of the 6-11 year old range?
You can't use the excuse that your spell check doesn't catch it. Every editor I've used catches this infernally simpering word. Even with the worst ones (SWF text editor, I'm looking at YOU), at the very least they will underline the word. They might not know EXACTLY what's wrong, but they're pretty sure that something's amiss. You can't say that it's a time-saver on your smartphone...in no known universe is the addition of an extra letter considered a method for saving those essential 0.68 seconds to increase productivity in your texting social life. It's a terrible spelling of an otherwise innocent word, and people need to stop and actually look at the words they're typing before they go hit "send."
OK, rant off. Out of curiosity, are there any other people who get so wrapped up in words out there? Or am I the only nutcase?


LOL....I hate spelling blunders too.....and there are a lot here in OK....LOL...I am always correcting my husband...drives him NUTS....

My worst is loose....when they mean LOSE....I see that A LOT even here....and of course since you brought it up, I can't think of any more BAHAHA
My issue is I think faster then I type....so sometimes I just run over my own typings.....I do try to fix them, BUT lately I have been to lazy


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391667/spelling-mistakes-that-bug-the-bonkers-out-of-you#post_3474940
Angel, Angle. Haha
That one's a big problem with some people here!

How about this one...and it's a speaking blunder more than a spelling one, I think: Assimulate. Some weird phonetic cross between assimilate (usually the word the person is trying to say), and simulate
. I heard this on the radio just this afternoon. Sadly, it was while listening to a principal speak about language assimilation at a local school board meeting. I'd say it was ironic,but no....it was just sad.


Active Member

That one's a big problem with some people here!  :laughing:
How about this one...and it's an speaking blunder more than a spelling one, I think:  Assimulate.  Some weird phonetic cross between assimilate (usually the word the person is trying to say), and simulate.  I heard this on the radio just this afternoon.  Sadly, it was while listening to a principal speak about language assimilation at a local school board meeting.  I'd say it was ironic,but no....it was just sad. 
Wow! Agreed.


Active Member
When I see spelling mistakes I always look down at my keyboard and puzzle out how far away the correct letters are from the letters used. I hate when people take the last letter of a word and repeat it multiple times (e.g. "Yesss").
As far as grammar goes, I have many more pet peeves. When people misuse the word "me" in a sentence, that really doesn't bother me (e.g. "My brother and me went to the store.") What really bothers me is the misuse of the word "I" (e.g. "Will you go to the store with my brother and I?") That's not good.
I also really hate when people use the phrase "a whole 'nother."
I also really hate when people misuse the words "less" and "fewer" (e.g. "Twenty items or less.")
I also really hate when people mispronounce "mischievous." If it rhymes with "devious," you are saying it wrong.
I have at least a dozen more, but I think my turn is over.


My OCD with spelling would drive my sergeants crazy, but after a while they would have me proofread their work and be appreciative. Iregardless, I still enjoy catching mistakes to this day.
At work it drives me crazy whenever I hear someone on the radio say "Myself and (so and so) will be.......


Active Member
For all intensive purposes.
For all intense and purposes.
For all intents and purposes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/391667/spelling-mistakes-that-bug-the-bonkers-out-of-you#post_3474965
That one's a big problem with some people here!

How about this one...and it's an speaking blunder more than a spelling one, I think: Assimulate. Some weird phonetic cross between assimilate (usually the word the person is trying to say), and simulate. I heard this on the radio just this afternoon. Sadly, it was while listening to a principal speak about language assimilation at a local school board meeting. I'd say it was ironic,but no....it was just sad.
You wrote: "and it's an speaking blunder more than a spelling one,.."

I do believe that should be "it's A speaking blunder.."

If you're going to bitch about other people's spelling, make damn sure you're spelling properly yourself!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego http:///t/391667/spelling-mistakes-that-bug-the-bonkers-out-of-you#post_3474997
When I see spelling mistakes I always look down at my keyboard and puzzle out how far away the correct letters are from the letters used. I hate when people take the last letter of a word and repeat it multiple times (e.g. "Yesss").
As far as grammar goes, I have many more pet peeves. When people misuse the word "me" in a sentence, that really doesn't bother me (e.g. "My brother and me went to the store.") What really bothers me is the misuse of the word "I" (e.g. "Will you go to the store with my brother and I?") That's not good.
I also really hate when people use the phrase "a whole 'nother."
I also really hate when people misuse the words "less" and "fewer" (e.g. "Twenty items or less.")
I also really hate when people mispronounce "mischievous." If it rhymes with "devious," you are saying it wrong.
I have at least a dozen more, but I think my turn is over.
From Webster's Dictionary

?mis-ch?-v?s, ?mish-; ÷mis-?ch?-v?-?s, mish-
Usage Discussion of MISCHIEVOUS

A pronunciation mis-?ch?-v?-?s and a consequent spelling mischievious
are of long standing: evidence for the spelling goes back to the 16th century. Our pronunciation files contain modern attestations ranging from dialect speakers to Herbert Hoover. But both the pronunciation and the spelling are still considered nonstandard.
PoTAYtoe, PoTAWto, ToMAYtoe, ToMAWto, let's call the whole thing off.


Well-Known Member
Quote: "Calm down there; their; they're Francis. I'm the world's worst speller, thank God for spell check, LOL."
I have to copy paste a quote all of a sudden....
I too am a horrible speller. I don't use spell check, I type my whole message on microsoft word and fix whatever is underlined. I also have a serious dyslexic problem and switch letters (and numbers) around.
I don't have any beef with bad spelling or grammer until I can't make out what is being said or asked. The one thing I really complain about are huge posts that are made into a single paragraph. LOL..sometimes it's a single run on sentence to boot.
I get a headache just trying to read it, so I go through all the trouble to split the thing up for the poster, so they have an example of how to communicate and not drive me crazy. If they don't pay attention and continue, I don't read anymore of their posts.


Well-Known Member
No, seriously, some things to irk me. I know I'm not the best speller by any means, but I think you should be able to get a few things right...
The differences between There, Their, They're...
Spelling Anemone.
Spelling Miscellaneous.
Spelling Necessary.
Not spelling Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovalcanoconiosis correctly - just bothers the crap out of me.
Not using punctuation. ... such as no commas, periods, question marks, exclamation marks or quotes.