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moving from buffalo where all there is ,is bumble bee's and black ants to the south where there are so many insects.crazy gotta watch where you put your hands.
just last week i was sitting on the concrete drive put my hand on the concrete and less than one inch away from my hand was a black widow.
we get those and clearish white scorpions here .funny when the dog gets stung on the nose they jump 4 feet in the air.
i also take the wolf spiders outside i have had a few the size of my hand.they are good to kill alot of unwanted bugs.
also had a few friends get bit by the recluse not a good sight.all of them were bit in thier sleep.
not to mention the fire ants,water makisen snakes and copperheads around here .one good thing about the cold winters .it kills the bugs
OMG!!!! I know exactly what you are talking about....coming from NY to OK....the FREAKIN wierd bugs and scorpions and fire ants and spiders, AND CHIGGERS!!!!!!!....
I have never in my lifetime seen the freakish assortment of "critters" that we have here in OK