Originally Posted by
florida joe
close but not Bangs spider. FYI there are many spiders called banana spiders lets hope you don't get any of these Lois. They are also called Banana spiders
TULSA, Okla. — One of the most deadly spiders in the world has been found in the produce section of a Tulsa grocery store.
An employee of Whole Foods Market found the Brazilian Wandering Spider Sunday in bananas from Honduras and managed to catch it in a container.
The spider was given to University of Tulsa Animal Facilities director Terry Childs who says this type of spider kills more people than any other.
Childs says a bite will kill a person in about 25 minutes and while there is an antidote he doesn't know of any in the Tulsa area.
Spiders often are found in imported produce, and a manager at Whole Foods says the store regularly checks its goods and that's how the spider was found.
There was a big argument about that, (my bro lives in tulsa) the college was saying it was the dangerous spider and the zoo was saying it was a different harmless spider. (or vise vera I don't remember) but the funny thing is that the whole foods guy smooshed it, so it couldn't be properly identified...