sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)


Wow, that is an hour and half of my life I will never get back!!!!!! <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />
This kid needs some serious help!!!! Now he broke up with his imaginary girlfriend!!!lol
Will it ever end?!?!?


Yeah, I think this has gone too far! It is starting to get ridiculous. I have a question. Did the anal abuse involve the sponge??
I have one more picture that I want to add, but I need to make it quick.


ROTFLMAO I cant believe I spent the last hour reading through 4 1/2 pages of all this! If this post continues we need to hear more from Mrs. Bubbles. Sounds like shes got the inside scoop! <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />
Encore Broomer5
Only on the internet can people make use of totally free creativity of idiocy. Makes you just love America.
Please e-mail, write, or phone your government officials, and tell them to stay out of the last form of freedom we have. The internet. I will not pay to e-mail or post. None of us should.
The comments made are not necessarilly the veiws and oppinions of anyone.


you break up?
well, that's fine. but i WILL stalk you. i do not give up on my men this easily :)
besides, i think i have fallen out of love with you, and into love with the giant sponge! it has given me pleasure that you have never been able to fulfill ;)


Try this link....
<a href="http://www.roydmercer.com/main.htm" target="_blank">http://www.roydmercer.com/main.htm</a>
Click on speed dial, and scroll through the phone buttons..
It's even funnier than Mr. Bubbles...


This whole a**l abuse thing is going a little far-- please keep in mind that thre are kids that view this forum.... those of you that posted about abuse might want to go back and edit their posts...
Roy D. Mercer is great. I used to live in Tulsa. Listened to him every Thurday on a radio station KMOD. That is where the do the Roy Mercer thing.


You are absolutely right.... I have gone back and edited/cleaned up my posts...
Thanks for the prompt... Although I had thought about that, it was until you mentioned it again that I snapped.
Sorry if I offended anyone...
My appologies...!
The big red sponge that is taking over the living room spoke to me. He said, "Take me to your leader". My wife is now in the belly of the giant red sponge.
Yes, I joined the insanity.


kids should surf the net (including these boards) at their own risk. they knew by the end of page one this topic was not for real..so from then on they don't have to read.
though i didn't say anything worth editing, i don't think we should change the way we post because of the possibility of children reading it. besides, i'm sure its nothing they haven't heard (or, knowing kids these days, say on a regular basis). just my $0.02
thanks for the nice comment steamboat. :)
it wasn't you that was scary though. it was the fact that the sponge pleased mrs.bubble more then mr.bubble ever could. now thats some freaky, disturbing stuff there! <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />