sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)



I just trimmed my sponge...with a chainsaw. Mrs.bubble saw it all. And for Mrs.bubble, PLEASE DONT TELL THEM ANYMORE ABOUT ARE "PERSONAL" LIFE!!! I just figured out that you guys are luaghing AT me, not WITH me! Now im going to cry...Mrs .bubble can comfurt me. Im watching TV right now. Little Bill is on. I love that show! I just thought i would look at the posts. And anyone who posts on this site should really watch there language! There are little 3 year olds on this site! you dont know what they are doing next! But im NOT A FAKE!!!!
Im not related to reef vixen, i dont know who he/she is. sammy can trace the ip and see if it is the same one as reef vixen. Where do you get these pics?! I found a really great site that has lots of Mr.bubble stickers on it!


Originally posted by OneFlySi:
kids should surf the net (including these boards) at their own risk. they knew by the end of page one this topic was not for real..so from then on they don't have to read.
though i didn't say anything worth editing, i don't think we should change the way we post because of the possibility of children reading it. besides, i'm sure its nothing they haven't heard (or, knowing kids these days, say on a regular basis). just my $0.02
I have to respectfully disagree with you. Yes, some kids are definatly aware of what that is, but there are kids younger than 10 that surf this board, and as this is usually a 'safe' place to surf, most paresnts would have no rpboelm with their kids spending time here. THe last thing i would want to hear from my daugther would be, "Daddy, whats A**L abuse?"
I know you did not post anything on this board that was inappropriate, and I am assuming that is becuase you have the common sense not to. Somepeople how ever, don't, and that is who the comment was directed to.
There is MY 2 cents.
I beleive that if Sammy wanted to trace your IP address, he would have done it by now. He just doens't want to waste his time.
Crying is good for you.
Excuse me, but I have to go kill some more sponges.


Javajoe, i TOTALLY AGREE!!!! This time you cant blame it on me! This is Not a fake post, this is true and i am true!


Active Member
There once was a gaint sponge in LA
Mr. Bubble told us all about it one day
How it grew and it grew to a very lage size
How no one believes him, they think its all lies
But he keeps going on and on until all our ears ache
He keeps screaming and shouting NO, I AM NOT A FAKE
Will the stories ever end, I doudt it I think
But I must tell you all this thread is starting to stink
So I will end my post with one final word
Mr. Bubble, everyone here thinks your totally absurd


I have just read through all this stuff and wasted almost 2 hours of my precious worktime. I couldn't pull myself away no matter that I wanted to! Now I will probably have to stay late to finish up. Noone to blame but myself. Pics are hilarious folks! I felt bad laughing my *** off in here knowing that there were patients in the next room being told they were going to lose a limb, etc. I tried my best to keep it to a low chuckle....Cripes, now I've added an extra 30 seconds to the next person to come along reading this stuff...... <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :rolleyes:


Sorry i just couldnt resist...

Premeiring Next Fall on BSN(Bull Sh*t Network)
synopsis...Captain Kirk must face his worst enemy ever MR> BUBBLES GIANT MUTATED SPONGE..
Premeirs 8/7 central September 8th 2002 only on BSN


Nice pics everyone!
Javajoe: I would just like to point out, if you hadn't noticed, but the coment about A**L abuse was originally made by a 14-year-old. I don't know how many kids that are younger then 12 reading these posts, but I doubt there are any that would have read all 5 pages of this crap.
I definately feel that this post needs to end. We are beating a dead horse. Heck you can't even recognize that it was a horse at this point!
But unless there is any other worthwhile reason to post again, this will be my last post.
PeAcE oUt

kris walker

Active Member
Man, this has been fun all. :)
Not that I really care, cause nobody's forcin me to entertain myself by reading these posts, but I think Mr. Bubbles has a really really slow computer and he lives in Hawaii. His original post was at 3:30 PM EST April 2, and so I think he lives on Hawaii, with a slow computer using AOL, and he originally posted his message on April Fools Day around 11:59pm. :)

pepsi man

New Member
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: This kid is rediculously stupid. And i agree with the ADD comment, although it might be ADHD. Someone drop some Concerta or Ritalin off at his house. Im his age too, and ive never met anyone this dumb.


Active Member
This "kid" if he really is a kid has gotten every one of us to read this for the past 2 days! This has got to be the most looked at most replied to post in SWF history! Kudos Mr. Bubble for draggin this out with your intentional ignorance! You are the true winner, you have every person that stumbles across this participating, spending hours on witty come backs and showing us their adobe photo shop skills, you even got a poem written about you...lol...Although stale in a few spots overall this is amazing, I cant ignore this festering wound of a post, and since its been hit over 4,000 times i know im not the only one who has a hook in his/her mouth. Way to go man you brought out a little bit of the lighter side of SWF, and a little bit of the disturbing side, but anyway CONGRATS...ARCHIVE THIS!!!


WOW! I cant believe that someone actully made a poem about ME! Not even my friends would do that...Well, at least not for me! All my friends went away o florida...WITHOUT ME! They make me sooooo mad! :mad: . ..But i could blame it on the sponge. I SAW THE POLE!!! HOW DID YOU Think it would get by someone as smart as Mr.Bubble! who voted i should get banned? Im trying to get a pic of this SPONGE but the pics keep coming out very very dark! I really cant believe that this post went as far as it did! 5 pages. i think that is the most...that i ever saw! Why do you people think im a retard? Im very smart..at least thats what my perents say. I have to go back to school on monday...so i can not post from6:00 AM-3:00PM, doesnt that really suck! i HATE school! Well at least i have you guys...since my friends ditched me! They arent really my friends! They all went to florida without me! That really kicks the bucket. Wow. i wrote a long post. i really never read a post f it is too long.


and now.....thanks to this topic....we are that much stupider......."quote from Billy Madison"..........GROW UP!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I believe you Mr. Bubble. Hopefully you can get a picture of your sponge.
I think that you have been acting very mature to put up with all the teasing from these "adults."


Mr. Bubble, you said you are haveing trouble taking a picture of the sponge. Did you try turning the lights on? You know, that switch on the wall...flick it to the other side. I promise it will make a HUGE diference.
I think that Mr Bubble should be turned in cliche(i'm not sure if that is the right term). From now on we should say,"Don't pull a Mr Bubble!" or "Don't go Mr. Bubble on me!"
What do you guys think??????????????


reeflooker, i think i will take YOUR advice about the sponge. i didnt know that home depot sold sponges?!! i checked out pet depot today. they actully had a few corals there! no good ones, but they were polyps! i tried to swicth the fash on.......turns out i was holding the camera the wrong way....al least that explains my face on all the pics!