sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

he said that he won't take pics until the 22nd. well, mr.fake, didnt you say you already cut the sponge? i suppose we'll have to wait another five weeks now huh! lier lier pants on fire!!! ;) :D


New Member
Mr. Bubbles, if I pay shipping, will you send me the dead part you cut off of your sponge? I'm going to faux-finish my dresser, and all I can find at the craft store are these piddly little 2-inch pieces.


Active Member
Q: What does this thread and energizer have in common?
Easy one, I know. :rolleyes:
A: They keep going and going and going.
<img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
Only one thing worse than computer nerds.
Computer nerds with reef tanks and internet access.
Mr. Bubbles must die.
Join the fun.


They have a 1hr photo at ralphs!? I didnt know that! I will try to give you the pics as soon as i can. seasquirt, i would not mind giving you SOME of the frags. i have a 2 inch frag that might be PERFECT! Post me back with more info.


Mr Bubbles you keep saying that a whole week
but we do not see the picture yet
and next week, "I will try to get the pictures as soon as I can again"


I've seen the first two pages from when they began and now this one. Anything worth seeing in between or same old excusses? Does any one feel bad for the kid, he's just looking for some friends and some acceptance? He had to go online to try that. Think about what they must do to him at school.


originally posted by DiscusKing:
"this is old"

1) don't read it then
2) don't reply, your only bumping it TTT
3) old for you, some may not have seen it (if thats possible)
4) mr.bubbles loves the attention.....and everyone has something to say. so this post will never die unless its locked :)
Mr.Bubbles- please send me a frag of the sponge. my email addy is: iceman_22_90@yahoo.com
i will give you all my info via email.


OK. I just e-mailed you oneflysi! alot of people dont get my e-mails for some reason??? Post me back if you dont get it!!!!!!!!
people probly don't get you mail because your a lier!! your really diturbed, and i think you should get some help! you probly don't even have a saltwater tank! do you!!!??!! i bet you get beat up in school alot too. am i right?
mr.B your full of Bull.ALL of these nosense unbelievable post that your little imagination cooks up are noit wanted on this site by me at least and probably a few others. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


LORDOFTHEREEF, I do have a saltwater tank! i sent some pics in to sammy, But they were REALLY dark. i do have the flash on when i take the pics! i think it reflecks off the glass. I dont get beat up at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really dot know why you thought that. i WILL prove to you someday that i really do have a tank....and a sponge. it doesnt grow that fast like you said. its just a regular 2 foot sponge(after i trimmed it). And i am really willing to send you some frags of it. i only have 3!!! if you are willing to pay the s &h. I thnk i have taking this CRAP long enough!!!!!!! I really HATE when someone doesnt beleive me about something! And i am REALLY smart! i got ALL As on my report card...exept on language (spanish) i got a B on that! Im really not full of bull! You guys are for not believing something that is true. i know it sounds really fake, but it isnt! I CAN SEND THE PICS IN AS SOON AS I CAN! And i really will give some frags away, but i threw the dead parts out. but i do have 3 1-2 inch LIVE frags.

Good night...sleep tight..... Dont let the fishys bite!


Active Member
Mr. Bubble,
That was very moving. I am really starting to believe you! At first I thought you had to be joking, but your persistance and determination has proven...WHATS THAT...NO!!!IT CANT BE!!!


beecher, that sounds REALLY relaxing. thats all i have to say.

Good night...sleep tight...Dont let the fishys bite!


Geeeeeze! He got all A's. What does that say about our education system these days?
I had an idea today. I was working in a Microbiology lab after classes yesterday and it suddenly struck me! I need to have a frag of that sponge! I am going to extract the DNA and splice in with some human base pairs. Then people can inject the stuff into their ummhums (you know whats)! It will be the greastest wonder cure since

! I can;t wait!


Right right right, I've heard it all before. Just send me an e-mail Sammy and I will be sure to send you one of the first bottles. I'll even put it in a brown box and label it "From John Smith"! LOL!