Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Looking good, the photos are
Not near the quality you take... I should fly you to South Dakota for some private lessons... You could show me how to use the camera. You'd be able to take some nice "winter" shots too......


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Not near the quality you take... I should fly you to South Dakota for some private lessons... You could show me how to use the camera. You'd be able to take some nice "winter" shots too......
I'd freaking love to photograph your tank
....I'm actually teaching a marine photography class for our local reef club, anything I can help you with just ask away
For your ric tank you can make a "top down box" or simply float a piece of good quality plexi ontop of the water and then shoot down...


Active Member
Thought that I would see how big some of the fish are getting in the tank. The ruler is six inches in length.



Active Member
Originally Posted by kowaleski
is it just me or does it look like that yellow tales needs to eat some?

It's the markings on the fish that makes it look malnourished. I looked through a few pictures and found one that shows that they fish is fatter then it looks in other pictures.


How has your SPS been doin? I can see some in the backround of some pics and they seem to be doin really good. Fish look great as always


Active Member
Originally Posted by chris17
How has your SPSS been doin? I can see some in the backround of some pics and they seem to be doin really good. Fish look great as always

There are a couple of SPS in the tank, but not what I had hoped. With the number of fish in the tank, it is hard to maintain a water quality good enough for SPS. The fish, on the other hand have been doing great.


Active Member
My Spotted Cheeks tang got in a spat with some one in the tank and was moved to the 75 to heal up. After two weeks in the tank, the gash in it's side has healed up nicely.


I have watched this thread from the beginning... After 2,000 some posts and multiple tang additions on page 40, I am wondering, what is the approximate fish count now? I think a year ago or something like that it was 93...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
I have watched this thread from the beginning... After 2,000 some posts and multiple tang additions on page 40, I am wondering, what is the approximate fish count now? I think a year ago or something like that it was 93...
I haven't taken a count lately, but I would guess that it is in the 90 ~ 100 range. I do know that there are 27 tangs in the tank.