Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
I wondered how long it would take azfish to break the bad news. I hope that it doesn't get bad either - I HATE ICH!
Have I turned out to be "ich" police? I better stop.....BUT you had said you are nervous about getting a blue tang (or something like that) because of ich. All you need to do is make sure you QT everything before it goes into your DT. I just got a Hippo Tang and she's in QT and because this fish is sensative to ich I'm doing Hypo on her just in case. Doesn't mean your tank will NEVER get ich, because new corals go in can also carry it, but it will help reduce the chance. It will also ensure you are putting a healthy fish in your DT. If it's sick, you'll know in the 4 weeks that it's in QT.

OK, I'm off the "ich" soap box. I'll keep my mouth shut from now on and let Beth keep her job.


Active Member
I'm just kiddin you Az - Actually I was thinking about Sepulatian... she usually is the first to let you know the hard truth. I had my own encounter with ich
. It's no fun, that's for sure. I hope to never have to go hypo on the DT again.
And yeah, I was the one who brought it up. I enjoyed watching Goodwin add these beautiful fish - but was worried when I saw them going directly to the DT. I'm a QT man myself now b/c of my experience. Taking no chances... and I also hope to maybe get a hippo sometime - just a little gunshy. But I'll definitely do hypo in the QT when I get one also.
But yeah, we have to have ich police! and I'm glad you are!


i had ich on my 2 lil clowns i just got but thank god for the fire shrimp he chased them both down and gave them a good scrubbing, this after i go through the pain in the but time to set up a QT asap!! but now the QT is going to be my lil coral tank( its a 3g deco kit!).


Since you all seem to be ich experts, If you dont see an ich outbreak for 6 weeks after adding any fish/corals/etc does that mean that you could never get ich unless you introduce it at a later time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
Since you all seem to be ich experts, If you dont see an ich outbreak for 6 weeks after adding any fish/corals/etc does that mean that you could never get ich unless you introduce it at a later time?
debatable because if all the fish are very healthy and have strong immune system, it is possible that they will fight it off for a while, but the chances of not noticing it in 6 weeks... well that is pretty slim. the best way to not have ich is to QT, its the best


Ok thanks... So since I dont have it and havent added any fish in a while its safe to say I couldnt get ich right? For some reason I was thinking that it could just show up at any given time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
Since you all seem to be ich experts, If you dont see an ich outbreak for 6 weeks after adding any fish/corals/etc does that mean that you could never get ich unless you introduce it at a later time?
That's a question I have for the experts, my FOWLR tank has come down with ick, or similar symptoms. Nothing has been added to the tank in over 3 months. So where did, or could the ick have come from?


Active Member
I have an answer to that one.. they are stressed and angry cause they didn't get chosen for 'Goodwin sea' hope they get well soon though , oh and Goodwin, thanx for posting on our tiny little forum it just got started in may !


Active Member
Originally Posted by whackamole
i have never had ick... i just wanted to rub that in everyones face.

never had ich here either (finding closest wood to knock on though) poor little fishies


from what i have found ich is usaully present in all aquriums ( if you have not treated your DT then ich might be there, even if you still QT new additions and treated for ich it still might have survived!) at sometime or another most people wont notice it cause the fish are healthly and arent stressed! think of when you get sick its usually that you are stressed and your imune system is weak, same goes for fish! ich usually breaks out or is first noticed when the fish is either sick or stressed ergo that why we QT to let the fish calm down and relax. yes there are some species that are more prone to ich then others ( tangs! ) but thats usually do to a poor tankwater, small tank, being picked on, not have a balanced diet or just not happy that he/she has been relocated thousands and thousands of miles to a smaller area! think about shipping yourself overseas in a box that you can barely move in for up to a week! think youd be stress?
but as far as i know and have seen and read ich is usaully a constant battle but most of dont see it until it is bad, if you have a cleaner shrimp, uv, then ich is 98% taken care of! but best of luck hope i was able to answer a few questions! later all


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
from what i have found ich is usaully present in all aquriums ( if you have not treated your DT then ich might be there, even if you still QT new additions and treated for ich it still might have survived!) at sometime or another most people wont notice it cause the fish are healthly and arent stressed! think of when you get sick its usually that you are stressed and your imune system is weak, same goes for fish! ich usually breaks out or is first noticed when the fish is either sick or stressed ergo that why we QT to let the fish calm down and relax. yes there are some species that are more prone to ich then others ( tangs! ) but thats usually do to a poor tankwater, small tank, being picked on, not have a balanced diet or just not happy that he/she has been relocated thousands and thousands of miles to a smaller area! think about shipping yourself overseas in a box that you can barely move in for up to a week! think youd be stress?
but as far as i know and have seen and read ich is usaully a constant battle but most of dont see it until it is bad, if you have a cleaner shrimp, uv, then ich is 98% taken care of! but best of luck hope i was able to answer a few questions! later all

I have heard that fish have ick and it is a situation that can trigger it. Stress being one of the major factors. or harrasment from others in the tank. If I understand right, ick is still dormant in a fish even after going through quarantine, no matter how long.
bpaul1201..thanks for confirming what I have thought.


I dont know that I buy that. Isnt it a parasitic organism that attaches to the fish, multiplies into the tank, and then the "babies" search out new hosts? If thats the cycle, wouldnt it be reasonable to say that a tank left long enough without hosts would eventually be parasite free? Kind of like that demonic spirit in the movie "Fallen"?


Active Member
Marine Ich is a parasite with a known life cycle.
It's true that once a tank has ich it could reappear at any time (unless you remove ALL fish and allow tank to sit fallow). You may very well not observe ich on a fish in your display tank as it could only be in very small amounts on a healthy fish.
If you practice proper QT procedures in a tank you need not worry about ich.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Marine Ich is a parasite with a known life cycle.
It's true that once a tank has ich it could reappear at any time (unless you remove ALL fish and allow tank to sit fallow). You may very well not observe ich on a fish in your display tank as it could only be in very small amounts on a healthy fish.
If you practice proper QT procedures in a tank you need not worry about ich.

also a proper size tank for the type of fish , proper diet for the fish is also essential! and not to many agressive tankmates unless it is an agressive tank!
also regular maintence is a key factor for it keeps the tank in good shape and the fish stress free, nobody likes a dirty home!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
also a proper size tank for the type of fish , proper diet for the fish is also essential! and not to many agressive tankmates unless it is an agressive tank!
also regular maintence is a key factor for it keeps the tank in good shape and the fish stress free, nobody likes a dirty home!
All true and all good points for keeping a healthy tank.
A dirty, poorly run tank, however, will not introduce ich. It may help ich more successfully attack your fish if it is present in the tank, but it must be introduced.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
A dirty, poorly run tank, however, will not introduce ich. It may help ich more successfully attack your fish if it is present in the tank, but it must be introduced.
Thanks, thats what I was getting at.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Marine Ich is a parasite with a known life cycle.
It's true that once a tank has ich it could reappear at any time (unless you remove ALL fish and allow tank to sit fallow). You may very well not observe ich on a fish in your display tank as it could only be in very small amounts on a healthy fish.
If you practice proper QT procedures in a tank you need not worry about ich.

Looks like I caused another wild fire.