Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


it would till it suck'd up a lil fishy!
well i was waiting on an answer about the mating with the fish in your bigger tanks, any luck?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
oh look kids its DOREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well hows everything going on in that dakota sea? any new additions to the tank? leep up the good work with all your tanks!
p.s. one question since you have some big tanks have you ever have some of the fish besides clowns successfully mate and make some fry? like tangs and angels? i was just wondering cuz most people dont have tanks over 100g but you have a few and thought that with the extra space that the fish might have gave it a try or yourself!
Well, you've seen the latest addition. I have had chromis and anthias breed in my 470. 1 anthias and 3 chromis made it in the tank.


cool that was what i was wondering about. what about any tangs or angels? love the new addition and sorry for the loss you had of the blue tangs.
i guess your working on the site cause none of the links are working! oh well no fish cam tonite!


Active Member
Here are a couple of more pictures of the new Spotted Cheeks after cleaning the tank. He is still a little camera shy, but looks better in these pictures;



Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I had two out of the three small blue hippos come down with ich and die. This Yellow Belly has a few spots which might be ich, but had been doing fine other wise and eating well. I had a Powder Blue shortly after adding fish die from ich and am waiting to make sure that the tank is free of it before I add another.
I hate to say it, but if you already had fish in your tank with ich, your tank is not free of ich and it will always have the parasite unless you go fishless for at least six weeks. I know that's not an option for you, so hopefully the infestation won't get to bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Nothing new in his shot, I just like the way it turned out.....

LOVE this pic!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I hate to say it, but if you already had fish in your tank with ich, your tank is not free of ich and it will always have the parasite unless you go fishless for at least six weeks. I know that's not an option for you, so hopefully the infestation won't get to bad.

I wondered how long it would take azfish to break the bad news. I hope that it doesn't get bad either - I HATE ICH!