Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
The joy of owning more than one tank, changing out bulbs. Here is the collection of used bulbs replaced today in 4 tanks. One of the tanks we left the MH's cause they were less than a year old. What a big difference it has made in the tanks....Guess a person shouldn't wait 18 months to replace them. All of the fixtures have been marked so that I can make sure this doesn't happen again.



Active Member
yeah, I was just asking myself yesterday... now when did I get those bulbs? how long do I have left? argh - not looking forward to shelling out he dough


Originally Posted by parker171
i just spent almost 2 hours reading this entire thread, it was worth it, Great tank!
I did the same thing a few months ago! lol It took forever, but like you said, it was worth it.


Active Member
Hopefully what happened to cbui didn't happen to goodwin

I would hate for another nice setup to go down the tubes.


I don't know if it is just my computer, but his live video thing is not working. It is all fuzzy


Originally Posted by regina13
I don't know if it is just my computer, but his live video thing is not working. It is all fuzzy
It has been like that for awhile. I am not sure what is going on with Goodwin. Anyone heard anything from him recently?


New Member
I apologize for asking this question here but I cant seem to Email the mods nor can I find the answer in the FAQ....but why cant I view the photos on this or many of the threads???


Originally Posted by FuzzyZiperbaum
I apologize for asking this question here but I cant seem to Email the mods nor can I find the answer in the FAQ....but why cant I view the photos on this or many of the threads???
check your pop up blocker. Allow them from this site