Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


hey goodwin-
you got an achilles still?? if not can you get me one so i can watch him in your tank.
hah hah.
but seriously i want to watch it swim around in your tank. i remember awhile ago you used to have one.


WOW, thats all I can say. You have a very very awesome addiction.
. Just wondering where abouts in S.D. do you live. The fiance and I go over to Rapid City about once a month, Rapid is only an hour and a half drive from us. But I would love to see some of your tanks in person if possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hillius31
WOW, thats all I can say. You have a very very awesome addiction.
. Just wondering where abouts in S.D. do you live. The fiance and I go over to Rapid City about once a month, Rapid is only an hour and a half drive from us. But I would love to see some of your tanks in person if possible.
I'm on the opposite side in Sioux Falls. Let me know if you ever go that far east and I will be more than happy to show you the tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonny
hey goodwin-
you got an achilles still?? if not can you get me one so i can watch him in your tank.
hah hah.
but seriously i want to watch it swim around in your tank. i remember awhile ago you used to have one.
The Achilles is in the 470 tank. Don't think that I would ever try to add another one to the 600.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Way low on the estimate. His coral and fish purchase are near that, maybe North of it too!
P.S. I don't ping this thread because I just watch the video stream. Keep spending and enjoying G-Man, always gives me an out with the wife!
I'm glad you enjoy the live video streams. Comments like that make it worth keeping them going! Now if I would get around and finish the rest of the website.......


Active Member
Your tanks are still amazing. But when I looked at your cams, it looks like your speciman tank has a bunch of fish in it. Was that the octopus tank? What ever happened to the octo's? And is that tank a QT or are you keeping all those fish in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Your tanks are still amazing. But when I looked at your cams, it looks like your speciman tank has a bunch of fish in it. Was that the octopus tank? What ever happened to the octo's? And is that tank a QT or are you keeping all those fish in there?
The specimen tank did house my Octopus until it passed several months back. It now has a mix of some fish that didn't get along well in other tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bahabully
Quick contest (just to disuade anyone thinking of doing this):
1- How much was set up / fish / coral /etc.?
2- Daily time spent on tank, feeding, maint. etc.?
3 -Monthly maint cost, salt, food, elec.?
Here's my quick guess:
1- $20,000
Tank, stand, eqipment, LR, & LS <15K
2 - Avg. 1 HR... probably 30 hrs a month,, almost a full work week.
30 ~ 35 hours would cover the time for all 9 salt tanks I own.
3 - $250,, around 1/2 of a car payment, with no payoff date.
$375. would probably cover, water, salt, food & electricty for all of my tanks for one month. Might be a little on the high side, but close.
In the ballpark goodwin ?
btw,, cool tank.
Hope that answers your questions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
The specimen tank did house my Octopus until it passed several months back. It now has a mix of some fish that didn't get along well in other tanks.
Ok I was wondering if you were using that tank as a DT which it looks like since you have a V. Lion and a Dogface(?) Puffer in there. I'm sure you wouldn't trust those guys in your expensive reefs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok I was wondering if you were using that tank as a DT which it looks like since you have a V. Lion and a Dogface(?) Puffer in there. I'm sure you wouldn't trust those guys in your expensive reefs.
Those two particular fish are from the FOWLR tank. I have another dog face puffer that did not get along with the other one. The lion ate my 3" Long Nose hawk, so he got moved where he could learn to eat frozen, rather than "live".


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Those two particular fish are from the FOWLR tank. I have another dog face puffer that did not get along with the other one. The lion ate my 3" Long Nose hawk, so he got moved where he could learn to eat frozen, rather than "live".
Oh ok.


Could you post pics of your fowlr??? I don't know if you ever have.. If you have I didnt see them. Thanks!