Start of one "BIG" SPS tank



I think this is the londest post I have every seen here lol I love your rock work
I have a quick Q for u about these snail eggs and having a 2 striped tomato clown in the same tank with 2 false per............ and what the ---- is a two striped tomato clown anyway I got him here a swf lol....... and I was wonder ing any corals u think a pearlscale butterfly will not eat??? please give me some info
thanks so much



Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
I think this is the londest post I have every seen here lol I love your rock work
I have a quick Q for u about these snail eggs and having a 2 striped tomato clown in the same tank with 2 false per............ and what the ---- is a two striped tomato clown anyway I got him here a swf lol....... and I was wonder ing any corals u think a pearlscale butterfly will not eat??? please give me some info
Not to be rude, but that just made my head hurt. . . .


I was also wondering from what online retailer you was buying corals, fish, and that awesome green tipped purple anemone from? It is really awesome, I understand if your wish not to tell, due to everyone would have one then.
Well Just thought i would ask, i have spent hour looking for one.
Well love the tank anyways, wish i could have one.


Active Member
I got lucky and avoided a major disaster yesterday when one of the fluidized sand reactors decided to split at the bottom seam and began leaking. One of my water alarms went off 15 minutes after I got home and warned me of the situation. A disaster averted, thank goodness I was at home....

Everyone should have at lease one of these, a real life saver in my case....