Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Mystery Wrasse have always been one of my favorite, I just worried that they might get a hold of my peppermint shrimp. New pics look great Goodwin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
Mystery Wrasse have always been one of my favorite, I just worried that they might get a hold of my peppermint shrimp. New pics look great Goodwin.

OUCH! I didn't realize that they would go after shrimp....Right now, the shrimp are larger than the fish, but I will have to keep a watch out...


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Originally Posted by coraljunky
50?? Eerrrr...I only see 31 pages

I am pretty sure that is the point. . . I have followed the thread since he started the build, I don't think I've seen much except for a shot of some frags that he purchased a while back.
3 hours and all I've to say is Simply Amazing!
1 question though; When will you just break down and have a house built out of an aquarium?


Active Member
Here's a video I made while feeding the Blue Dot Jawfish. I was difficult to keep the other fish out of the video, but it is interesting to watch the fish feed.


Goodwin - Let me just say SWEET TANK!!

That jawfish video was cool, are you sure that fish doesn't have a backup cam.


i was thinking of some anthias but i was jst wondering how many times you feed urs a day? cause i heard they need to be feed more than once a day


Active Member
Originally Posted by J.P
i was thinking of some anthias but i was jst wondering how many times you feed urs a day? cause i heard they need to be feed more than once a day
I've read the same thing. I feed all of my tanks once a day, probably a little more food than most people would use.


Active Member
I bought a couple of new fish that I have been looking for for quite some time. You know that they are large when they are each shipped in their own box.........
