Startin up a 24gal AqPod Reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Wow, tank looks very nice. I especially like the duncans and your beautiful acans.

thanks a ton. I got the Sure Flow mod but its like a pressure cleaner, so its now for sale haha. $25 shipped. Now Im going to not go the cheap way and buy a K1.


Active Member
WOW YOUR TANK is lookingggg SO MUCH BETTER. Looks wonderful and full now :) That shot of the duncan is just amazing and made me want to go take pics of mine :) HEHE. it has about 5 new babies under the main head. im so happy. But your shots look great bro. Keep up the great job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I have a k1 on the way to go along with my mj900. You had a mj 900 correct?
Yea its a 900. The 900 does 230 gph, and the K1 does 400. I might replace the MJ with the K1
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6

WOW YOUR TANK is lookingggg SO MUCH BETTER. Looks wonderful and full now :) That shot of the duncan is just amazing and made me want to go take pics of mine :) HEHE. it has about 5 new babies under the main head. im so happy. But your shots look great bro. Keep up the great job.
Thanks man, I like it a LOT more now with the rock and all.


Active Member
So I ended up buying a Koralia 2, and man is it perfect!! I got 3 new fish today, yea...3. And new frags. Ill upload the photos in a second, along with the crappy video.


Active Member

Front shot

I got 3 baby blue chromis by the way... and heres what I like to call, hiroshimas

Green Apple Montipora capricornis

I think a ORA Rose Mille and some type of birdsnest with purple polyps.

Unattainables that lost their color

Duncan O' Doom (3 babies forming under that huge head)

King of the Tank

Blueberry Candy Canes


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
dang the tank is lookin full and great! Love all the acans and palys u got! Cant wait til those SPS grows out
Thanks man. My LFS today had the new ORA Red Plant Tabling Acro for $60!!!! I want to go back and get it, just to resell it on here for more hahaha. In a week or two Im driving to the guy I got my first pack from's house to check out his tank and trade again. Hes giving me like 5 more SPS frags, so then I will need a frag rack


Active Member
Niiiiice! I love the acans and mussa's! If you ever frag off those armageddons hit a brotha up! Looking really good man!


Active Member
Pics look great man
Sorry I didn't go back to read, but do you have any other fish besides the blue chromis? They are very pretty, and probably look cool in a little school. Love the acans, and I really like those hiroshimas, very nice
Tank looks very nice overall, great job!


Active Member
+1 on the acan's and the Micro's
you guys get nice deals on them ,here you cant find them for less then 200.00
so needless to say I will never have any!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Niiiiice! I love the acans and mussa's! If you ever frag off those armageddons hit a brotha up! Looking really good man!
I will man. Its going to be a long time though, at least a few months.
Originally Posted by subielover
Pics look great man
Sorry I didn't go back to read, but do you have any other fish besides the blue chromis? They are very pretty, and probably look cool in a little school. Love the acans, and I really like those hiroshimas, very nice
Tank looks very nice overall, great job!
A 1.5" sixline wrasse and 3 blue 3/4" chromis. They look really cool in a small school and like riding the current from the Koralia. Very active fish
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

I think just a six line

Originally Posted by nwdyr

+1 on the acan's and the Micro's
you guys get nice deals on them ,here you cant find them for less then 200.00
so needless to say I will never have any!
The most Ive ever spent on a coral is $50, on my first sun coral. My ace in the hole was discovering I had armageddons. Traded for most of it, which means I got really lucky :) I would recommend busting for something nice and trading/selling. Best luck man
Thank you for the kind comments everyone, its great to know everyone like it too


Active Member
Update.. Lost a chromis cuz the other 2 picked at it to death, but the CUC did an excellent job, because it died in the rocks and I was NOT going to take down the tank to retrieve the corpse.
I just ordered a 20k Radium bulb for the tank, pics when it decides to get here!!


Active Member
Resurrect!!! I got my 20k last week and it in fact, was a dud. I got replacement today, free of charge, and it seemed to last the remaining time my MHs were on for today. We'll see tomorrow if it lasts all day (the last one set the goal at 3 hrs).
Everything is doing good in the tank, nothing too new. Pics up when I get home tomorrow. I decided that I may let things grow out for a bit and let nature do its thing. The new bulb pops the color so much that it provides enough power for good growth still, and great color, so I want to enjoy it for a few months and then Im sure Ill be up to fragging for everyone.


Active Member
I wanna see some pics, I want to get the sunpod with a 20k for my cube. Sucks about the chromis, but your cuc did their job