Starting a Nano tank



I am guessing it would be cheaper just to buy the things you need individually, like flricordia said. I have a simpler setup (no sump) and just have a 20 high with t5s that i bought for it, a good filter with chemipure and purigen, powerhead, and i keep my wad of chaeto right in my tank in the back corner. You dont even notice it because i have so many xenia and rocks in front of it. If you go this rout, you also need to think about the cost of the stand (or if you already have one).

tang master

Originally Posted by alexa11
I am guessing it would be cheaper just to buy the things you need individually, like flricordia said. I have a simpler setup (no sump) and just have a 20 high with t5s that i bought for it, a good filter with chemipure and purigen, powerhead, and i keep my wad of chaeto right in my tank in the back corner. You dont even notice it because i have so many xenia and rocks in front of it. If you go this rout, you also need to think about the cost of the stand (or if you already have one).
Yeah, that is another problem. The stand costs some money too. I have an end table that is very bulky. The dimentions of the 24g nanocube and biocube would both fit perfectly on the table. The dimentions of a 20l would overlap by several inches.


there's always the 20 high! and the light would be cheaper too since it would be shorter.....


Active Member
Get an ADA 60-P (17gallons) or 60-H (21.5gallons), these tanks put ALL other nanos to shame. YES you can drill them, just find someone that doesn't suck at life to do so.
60-P is roughly 17gallons and $110 new from amano designs.. (
then get an aquaclear for one side and run carbon, rowaphos, etc.. and then a surface extractor and powerhead... throw in rock and sand and let it run...
If you've ever seen one of these tanks in person (especially a 60-P clear), you'll throw your nanocube/biocube/whatever in the trash...


Active Member
I think nanocubes and most AIO's look cheap in general. IMO though. The ADA is the best nano tank period, I like their look better than ELOS products too.

tang master

Yeah, definately a good choice. I will get my feel for nanos first though. After I think I can handle 2 nanos, my second one would definately be an AIO. Dang, I was scrolling threw some pages of nanos earlier and was wondering if it would be better to get a 12g or a 24g. What do you guys think?


Active Member
24g you can put much more stuff in there. and congrats then on the nanocube when you get it. cant wait for pics

tang master

really, well, I trust you. But really, would I be saving any money. I was just about to consider buying the 24g aquapod with 150w halide sunpodd. what do you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tang Master
really, well, I trust you. But really, would I be saving any money. I was just about to consider buying the 24g aquapod with 150w halide sunpodd. what do you think?
spending $600? on something you're gonna end up dumping more money in to mod it the way you want... I'm telling you man, I've done lots of nano tanks and while it may seem more expensive to piece things together, its really cheaper in the end.
Hell I saw a false wall ADA tank done on another forum that was similar to a biocube, but looked way better...
You can get an ADA new for like $130 after shipping for an 18gallon (cube garden 60-p?)
live rock $2/lb if you look hard on craigslist so like 20lbsx2=$40
live sand, $20-$30, just check forums and craigslist.
surface skimmer+powerhead is gonna be like $35 new for both or around $15 used or you can false wall it and it'll cost around $50 or less or an overflow box kit for $30 used.
Used viper or coralife clamp on is gonna be $175 or less.
So you're looking at $350 or less and having a running tank minus corals, CUC, and fish. so spend that $150 you would have spent on the dumb JBJ on what you actually want to put in the tank while its cycling (if necessary.) Hell you could get a tunze osmolator auto top off for $195 or less brand new and still be $50 short of what you would have spent on that JBJ+sunpod. TRUST ME, do it ONCE, do it RIGHT. EVERYONE WILL JOCK YOU WHEN YOU HAVE AN ADA EVEN IF SOMEONE HAS BETTER LIVESTOCK IN THEIR JBJ.
P.S. if you buy a dumb JBJ after all this, I will buy an ADA just to spite you and make you feel inferior, trust me-I'm stupid, I'll do it, I throw away money all the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tang Master
Alright I will. But what about lighting? I wanna be able to keep sps and stuff. what do you think?
the viper 150w or 70w or coralife 150w clampon (listed in my list around $175 used if you look hard enough, the viper may be cheaper)is gonna be the cheapest (but you may need a chiller depending on your ambient room temp) or get a 24inch 4bulb T5HO setup with individual reflectors. You can customize your light color easily with T5s and they produce alot of light without alot of wattage with the individual reflectors so you most likely won't need a chiller.
there's a forum dedicated to the nano-reef I'm sure you can get my drift. Lots of ADA tanks on there.

tang master

So, for starters, the thing I need help on the most is finding a filter. what kind would I use. also, what is the link to the ADA tanks again?