Starting Tank


Wow, that fish seems like it be a greatfish for my tank. Does it matter if the two species are from different Oceans or areas?


I was also thinking of buying a Yellow Tang once my tank is set up. It says that they are highly territorial. I was wondering if this was true and whether or not I should get a yellow tang as a beginner

clown boy

Active Member
I would wait at least 6 months for the yellow tang. For him you would need a bare minimum of 55 gallons. They aren't territorial to any fish except the Purple Tang, Sailfin Tang, and other Yellow Tangs. Attitudes vary from situation to situation. If you add them at the same time as the other tangs, they should be alright.


Ok, I think I will start off with the Percula Clownfish and the Royal Gramma. After a couple of months I will add some Clown Gobies and a Yellow Tang. I would also like to eventually get a Coral Beauty Angelfish or a Eibli Angelfish. How long should I wait until I get the Angelfish.

clown boy

Active Member
Live sand definately. It is much better, acts as a second filter, and is much prettier. There is rarely a crushed coral success story.

clown boy

Active Member
Also, I noticed that you are looking into getting a spotted mandarin in the future. Just make sure that you do a LOT of research first.


I plan to wait around a year to a year and a half before even thinking about buying a spotted mandarin. I would have to work my skills of a saltwater aquarist into tip-top shape to care for one of those. I also don't know much about the water cycle or anything. If you could explain some of that to me that would be great. Thanks for all the info you've given me! :happyfish