State of the Union Address...What you think?


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Didn't watch it. Daughter had cheerleading practice. I did see the tail end of the Republican response from this governor from Virginia. Possible Republican candidate for 2012?
One thing I took from his response was one Republican stance was that every American should have an equal opportunity to obtain a better education "no matter which zip code they live in." This sounds eerily familiar to the Robin Hood Principle we saw here in Texas a few years back - take the taxes and money from the richer districts and neighborhoods in metropolitan cities, and give it to the poorer and lower property tax districts in the same city. So essentially instead of my taxes going to the schools where my kids go, they go to the schools in the lower income areas of town. Distribution of wealth. He also made the same response regarding job opportunities for all Americans. Sounded kinda like he wants to get rid of the social classes in this country. No more low/middle/upper class?


Active Member
I didn't even listen. I tune in for the post game which is what I generally do whoever the president is.
According to what I heard it sounds like Obama is still pushing health care and such. Big mistake.


Active Member
Valid point on the "zip code" education. As far as job opportunities, he seemed to be reaching as far left and right as he could possibly could go. I will give it to him on this. He did hit on the fact that they are going to stop rewarding co's for outsourcing overseas, and start rewarding co's in the US.
Regarding social classes....Every president since Washington has been trying that one, so throw that out the window.


Active Member
I did catch part of the response, kinda weird seeing them do it that way.
Thing is with the schools, that is and should be a state issue. That 13% or so the feds put towards schools end up costing them more than it helps. Last thing any state needs is some dufus in DC trying to decide which zip code should get the most funding.


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Originally Posted by reefraff
I didn't even listen. I tune in for the post game which is what I generally do whoever the president is.
According to what I heard it sounds like Obama is still pushing health care and such. Big mistake.
Shockingly, he did not spend much time on health care. He actually acknowledged that it was headed towards the toilet (my words here), and he strongly encouraged that everyone cut out the bull crap personal attachements and work "something" or "anything" out. He said that he was not trying to make this his legacy (I think he used the words..."under my belt"), but he was heavily emphasizing the importance of approving something while he is in office....


Active Member
no....not pushing it just gracefully backing down about it. His former plan: Cart before the horse, throw it against the wall and see what sticks. According to tonight, basically saying bigger fish to fry, but he is not letting it go forever.
Originally Posted by bionicarm
No more low/middle/upper class?
nope, just eliminating middle class imo !
I am sick of him really. He claims he inherited this deficit.
His ideals are great, really they are. But he thought he could change the world in less than 12 months. Too much too fast. His answer is throw good money at bad. I have great ideas how to change my home and way of life, but I need a ton of money. Well, I don't have that right now, so I am making do with what I have and make changes as I can that make sense. hmmm, I guess that kind of practical thinking went out the window with these huge issues.


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Originally Posted by lovethesea
I am sick of him really. He claims he inherited this deficit.

I heard this myself....He made this reference a few times it seemed like. He kept trying to pawn off the current deficit to the Bush administration, but he never came right out and used those words.


Active Member
I say he didn't get the "wear purple" memo. Did you notice HOW MANY of them had of a form of purple??????

I say his tie was redish....


Active Member
On a related note...What the hell does "purple" tie represent? I noticed many of the criminals (I mean politicians) wearing purple, including the Vice President....

In religion...does this not mean "peace"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
I say he didn't get the "wear purple" memo. Did you notice HOW MANY of them had of a form of purple??????

I say his tie was redish....

+1.... you beat me to it...


Active Member
so....I have a question regarding this speech. I know the big thing is the standing ovation for everything but clearing your throat (usually) I think Nancy had a spring in her rear tonight.....brown nosing imo. You stand if you likey and you sit still if you dont. (or you are just tired from jumping up every 30 seconds because of cheerleader Nancy) BUT, when Obama talked about gays in the military........the military representation DID NOT STAND UP and applaud.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
so....I have a question regarding this speech. I know the big thing is the standing ovation for everything but clearing your throat (usually) I think Nancy had a spring in her rear tonight.....brown nosing imo. You stand if you likey and you sit still if you dont. (or you are just tired from jumping up every 30 seconds because of cheerleader Nancy) BUT, when Obama talked about gays in the military........the military representation DID NOT STAND UP and applaud.

I noticed that immediately. My wife, who wasn't even paying attention, said..."didn't he just say something about the military....and none of those guys up front even stood up"? I just laughed.....


Active Member
This is what I think in one word. BOHICA...
Na but seriously what a pompous ass. Calling out the supreme court, and telling them they they are wrong to their faces. When it was his dumb moron that in oral arguments said they have the right to sensor tv along with books, periodicals and any other form of medium.
I did enjoy watching the joint chiefs sit on their butts while obama was saying, "I don't care what you think, I'm right, you're wrong, now deal with it."


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Originally Posted by T316
Did you seriously think Obama was going to wear a "blue tie" to the State of the Union?

Well it was the allure both blue and oddball options, vs. red. He's worn red at most of the previous things IIRC, so I was thinking blue.

Also blue for healthcare

Originally Posted by lovethesea

TV color need adjusting?????

what color did you see?
I didn't see. I had a bet he would wear a blue or another color besides red.