stock list for 90 gallon


Active Member
Ok this is true i eventually will get a 90 gallon or bigger probibly in a year or so i just wanted to get the stocklist out there to some one its so boring keeping my thoughts contained so here is what i want to get
1 coral beauty anglefish
1 sailfin tang-juvi
1 type of wrasse
I dont know what else any suggjestions would be great


Active Member
Ok sailfin out may be yellow but what else should i get im stuck no clowns and no chromis i dont want them i have one in my 29


well you can get the coral beauty....and even a flame angel....I just got a's pretty neat....
just look around ...see what you like and research them
It's pretty hard to pick fish out for someone else


Active Member
alright here is the new stock list
1 coral beauty
1 six line wrasse
pigmy or potters angle
a pair of some type of goby
and maybe instead of another angle a pair of gold stripe maroons or both if I can


Certain angels can not go together.....I know the coral beauty and flame can.....not too sure of the others you mentioned
You also have to be careful of how and when you introduce them....


Active Member
oh opps wait weird my yellow coris just dived into the gravle on one side of the tank then came out the other


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379667/stock-list-for-90-gallon#post_3300664
alright here is the new stock list
1 coral beauty
1 six line wrasse
pigmy or potters angle
a pair of some type of goby
and maybe instead of another angle a pair of gold stripe maroons or both if I can
Originally Posted by levinjac
Ok in stead of another angle and clowns how bout a copper band butterfly
Potters Angels are almost identical to a Coral Beauty and the Coral Beauty will beat on it, it is the more aggressive, hardier fish.
IMO, Potters angels are NOT reef safe and they're not a beginner fish by any means. I would steer clear of this fish. You're fairly new to the hobby and even experienced hobbyists have trouble with this fish. I've killed 2 :(
Stick to one goby. I had a pair of yellow watchmen gobies in my 155, they were fine for months and then one just turned on the other and killed it. Gobies really should be kept singly unless you pay a fortune for an ORA certified mated pair, and IMO, that's a waste of money for a goby.
I would do ONE dwarf angel in a 90G. IMO, don't even attempt two dwarfs in anything less than 125G, or you're going to see some serious aggression. Yes, a Flame and a Coral Beauty can go together, but not in a small tank and although a 90G is not that small, it's too small for two dwarfs. The reason the Flame and the Coral Beauty have a better chance of going together is because they are different body shapes. I have both in my 155 and they get along great, but there was a lot of aggression in the beginning, but they have enough room to each have their own territory, something a 90G just does not offer.
The pair of gold stripe maroons would be fine, but make absolutely sure that you purchase them young (small) and together, if you try to add one later on, the other will more than likely kill it.
Your stock list is filled with aggressive fish and this can cause an issue, especially depending on how you add them. Dwarf angels are aggressive, Maroon Clownfish are very aggressive and SixLine Wrasses should be the LAST addition to the tank because of their aggressive behavior.
IMO, you're also not experienced enough for a Copperbanded Butterfly, they're very difficult to keep and most hobbyists loose them. They have a lot of eating issues and need established tanks. They're not that reef safe either if you're considering a reef. They also do best with peaceful fish, and your stocklist is anything but that.
My suggestion for a stock list based on what you've said you wanted(and this could be played around with a little):
2 clownfish (any type, just make sure they're the same)
1 dwarf angel (IMO the flame angel or the Coral Beauty is the safest bet)
1 SixLine wrasse (although I would suggest a more peaceful wrasse, like one of the Flasher/Fairy wrasses)
1 Yellow Watchmen Goby (or any goby really)
1 Kole Tang, or Yellow Tang, or FoxFace
1 BiColor Blenny
3 schooling fish such as Bangai Cardinals
this is a heavily stocked list, but it gives you some ideas and adjustments can be made. If you went with a stocklist similar to this, you'd need to add these fish slowly and in a proper order to avoid aggression.


Active Member
Ok so heres the new stock list
1 coral beauty(maybe)
2 Ocellaris Clowns
I looked at the fairy wrasse and I think Ill get that
1 yellow watchman goby
If I do this what order should I do this in and I read yellow watcman gobies help shrimp what kind of shrimp and how do i get them to be buddies
and im not sure if im doing a reef
heres what i want in cuc
1 cleaner shrimp
1 blood shrimp
30 nassarius snais
10 blue leg hermit crabs
and the shrimp that the gobie goes with if it even does also if i do go with a reef would an anemone be ok


a brittle or a serpent.......if you are talking about a different type, you need to wait a long time


Active Member
I like brittles but i read that they some times catch little fish like clowns and eat them will that happen