stock list for 90 gallon


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379667/stock-list-for-90-gallon#post_3300720
Ok so heres the new stock list
1 coral beauty(maybe)
2 Ocellaris Clowns
I looked at the fairy wrasse and I think Ill get that
1 yellow watchman goby
If I do this what order should I do this in and I read yellow watcman gobies help shrimp what kind of shrimp and how do i get them to be buddies
Which fairy wrasse? Fairy wrasse is just a subsection of wrasses, they're are MANY fairy wrasses.
Watchmen sometimes take to helping shrimp, these shrimp would be pistol shrimp and you don't want one in your main tank as sooner or later they become fish killers. I have a Yasha Goby/Red Banded Pistol Shrimp Pair in my refugium. Shrimp gobies, such as the yasha and yellow watchmen sometimes pair up with pistol shrimp for protection. Pistol shrimp are basically blind and rely on the goby to tell them if danger or food is nearby. The pistol shrimp in return shares its cave with the shrimp goby so they have a safe place to live. It's a cool relationship, but honestly, you never see them, especially the pistol shrimp.
Watchmen are not a guarantee to get to pair with a shrimp either, you need to get them as a pair, if you try to add a pistol shrimp to a goby that hasn't ever been with one before, you need to be very careful, especially with the yellow watchmens, or the fish may mistake the shrimp for food and eat/try to eat it. Watchmen gobies are the biggest culprits of shrimp gobies that don't pair up and end up eating or severely harming the shrimp.
If you really like the idea of having a shrimp/goby combo, look into the Randalli Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus Randalli - aka red banded shrimp) and have it paired with a yasha, the orange stripe prawn goby (amblyelotrios randalli), or the Tangora goby (ctenogobiops tangaroai). There are some others as well and if you can get them pre-paired then you're much better off. I'm on my second pistol shrimp with my Yasha Goby. The first pistol abandoned her so I had to go out and get a new one, so even if they're paired, there is no guarantee that they will remained paired.
If you were to go with this stock list, I would add in this order:
2 clownfish
1 Goby
1 Wrasse
1 Coral Beauty
reverse the last two if the wrasse ends up being the SixLine, the SixLine needs to be your last addition.


Active Member
I dont know what type of fairy wrasse i like them all as for the goby would a golden headed sleeper goby be better and BTLD what do you have to say about starfish
YougMoney thanks


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379667/stock-list-for-90-gallon#post_3300720
Ok so heres the new stock list
1 coral beauty(maybe)
2 Ocellaris Clowns
I looked at the fairy wrasse and I think Ill get that
1 yellow watchman goby
If I do this what order should I do this in and I read yellow watcman gobies help shrimp what kind of shrimp and how do i get them to be buddies
and im not sure if im doing a reef
heres what i want in cuc
1 cleaner shrimp
1 blood shrimp
30 nassarius snais
10 blue leg hermit crabs
and the shrimp that the gobie goes with if it even does also if i do go with a reef would an anemone be ok
You changed this as I was typing my last reply:
Do two cleaner shrimp, the blood shrimp will eventually kill the cleaners. If you're going to have cleaners, the pistol shrimp is going to be an issue over time. It won't be when it's young, but as it grows, it may hunt the pistol shrimp. Look up pistol shrimp on YouTube, you might not want one after you see what they can do.
You absolutely can add a bicolor blenny to that stocklist, just don't go with a larger species of blenny such as a lawnmower.
If you're not sure whether or not you're doing a reef tank, stick with reef safe fish so you don't have an issue later on. If you're definite on not doing a reef than it won't matter.
30 nassairus snails is too much IMO. I would do 15 nassarius, 10 trochus, 10 ceriths, 10 astreas. That should be more than enough in that size tank, with other clean up crew members, epsecially if you want a bicolor blenny.
For a clean up crew:
the snails as mentioned,
15 blue legged hermits (you don't absolutely have to have hermits)
15 mexican reef hermits
2 cleaner shrimp - do two of the same type
3 peppermint shrimp (highly recommended if you do decide to do a reef)
1 or 2 brittle starfish or serpent starfish are good
If you don't do a reef, there are other options, but some options for non-reef tanks are NOT reef safe, so again, if you're not sure, don't purchase something that isn't reef safe.


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379667/stock-list-for-90-gallon/20#post_3300748
I dont know what type of fairy wrasse i like them all as for the goby would a golden headed sleeper goby be better and BTLD what do you have to say about starfish
I like starfish. I have two sand sifting starfish in my tank (no, I do not recommend these for you).
Brittle starfish and serpent starfish are excellent members of a clean up crew. Just be careful, there are varieties that eat fish and some starfish eat corals.
A golden headed sleeper goby is fine, but it won't pair with a shrimp.
Just a side note, make sure you have some sort of top on this tank, whether it's egg crate or fish net if you're going to get a fairy wrasse and a golden headed sleeper goby as bother types of fish are known jumpers.


Active Member
ok no pistol it makes to much noise any way and should i get sand or ground dry coral bits thats what I have now and no blood shrimp


I'm partial to sand over crushed coral.
Honestly, the pistol shrimp isn't that noisy. I definitely can hear mine and know when he's mad, but some of the videos exaggerate how noisy they actually are, especially the one on YouTube that makes it sound like it's a shot gun. It really just sounds like someone is snapping their fingers in the same room.
IMO, the blood shrimp (aka Fire Shrimp) does not do as good of a job cleaning up as the Skunk Cleaner Shrimp do. I have a pair of Skunk Cleaners in my 155G and they clean up far more than my Fire Shrimp does in my 20G.


Active Member
ok it was just the noise that bothered me cause i need my sleep

so ill get a tiger pistol i like the way it looks like a white tiger


The tiger pistol usually doesn't pair up and all and is far more predatory than the Randalli Pistol shrimp. Be very careful with pistol shrimp, the safest option is the Randalli, the others really shouldn't be put in tanks with other fish and definitely not with other inverts like cleaner shrimp because it WILL kill them.


Randalli (aka Red Banded) pistol shrimp: Alpheus randalli
Tiger Pistol Shrimp: Alpheus belulus
They are different, just to make sure we're talking about the same pistol shrimps.


Ok, well I have to go to bed. I'm supposed to be driving a racecar in 5 hours and it takes me three hours to get to the track...... I need sleep so that I don't drive the car into a wall


Active Member
Welll I looked and read about brittle stars and I think i can get away with it not eating any fish i mean all the fish are going to be fairly big