stocking my tank question


Originally Posted by dmc888
Yeah with a tvalve it will work.
Would probably go with atleast a 2inch then.
Slower is better time for refugium to absorb the nitrates.
True more phs will create more heat.
When you get everything running , everything should have a steady waterline.
sounds good. i will post the pic of the sump once i have it installed. thanks again for all the help.


i know this is off topic and that i've posted about this before but i just want to confirm that this will work before i go shopping for the parts.


ohh yea it is a 20 gallon is that big enough. i'm not sure that i can fit anything bigger then that in my stand. so i went with that.


Originally Posted by xhappyx
why's that"?

because you have one too many tangs in that tank. the kole tang is best suited for that size tank. the yellow gets very big. it'd probably be ok for a little while but soon you will have to get rid of it.


I would check out all-glass website.
Under standard they have many different tanks.
Maybe a 29g 30x12x18 or a 37g 30x12x22.. If you have 36inch length you can go even bigger.
Looks good but would go with a all in one if possible.
My case even a regular 10 wouldn't fit . So i had no choice.
Would leave some height room for maintenance.


Originally Posted by dmc888
I would check out all-glass website.
Under standard they have many different tanks.
Maybe a 29g 30x12x18 or a 37g 30x12x22.. If you have 36inch length you can go even bigger.
Looks good but would go with a all in one if possible.
My case even a regular 10 wouldn't fit . So i had no choice.
Would leave some height room for maintenance.
will i tried to put the 20 gallon in and that was barely able to fit. i can however squeeze a 10 gallon in there for a refuge so i hope that will work. so here's a pic of that.

and here's a couple pics of my tank i don't think i've posted any of them yet.



I used to have the same clown veggie clip for my yellow. It scared all the fish in the tank for a couple days. :D
Looks good, but you won't know if you have to do some minor changes till its up and running.
Nice rocks , how long has your tank been running?
Is that a coralife 260w?


Originally Posted by dmc888
I used to have the same clown veggie clip for my yellow. It scared all the fish in the tank for a couple days. :D
Looks good, but you won't know if you have to do some minor changes till its up and running.
Nice rocks , how long has your tank been running?
Is that a coralife 260w?
hehe yea my fish wouldn't eat from it for the first week and just when i was about to take it out they started to eat from it. original tank was a 30 gallon that was up for a month. and then i wanted bigeer so i put all that water into the 75. 75 has only been up a bout a month or so.


You can give your fish vitamins also.
When you get your fuge running, you will have fresh food for the tangs.
I'm sure they will love it.


Originally Posted by dmc888
You can give your fish vitamins also.
When you get your fuge running, you will have fresh food for the tangs.
I'm sure they will love it.
nice. quick question i want to add the autotopoff. i don't have the float switch yet but i want to be able to put the bracket in now though so i don't have to put it in later what size hole do i drile for the opening though?


Originally Posted by dmc888
I know some people use either bioballs or a sponge to help with bubbles.
i fixed it. i used a bio bag and zip tied it around the drain. that worked fine. no more bubbles. and no more heater in the main tank hehehe. everything seems to be going good now. i made the bracket and put it in place on the sump for the auto topoff just need to find a float switch. can i get one of them at home depot?


Not sure if hd has it, could always give them a call.
I think that bag will need to be cleaned often. Probably is catching alot of debris.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Not sure if hd has it, could always give them a call.
I think that bag will need to be cleaned often. Probably is catching alot of debris.
that's what i figured iwas gonna prob clean it out everyother day or so.....


Originally Posted by dmc888
So i'm guessing you should be ordering your refugium kit soon.
i'm most likely going to look into getting something similar to what u have so i won't have a problem drilling it.. still trying to find out what the differences are with the mud vs the sand. and still not sure what to stock it with. but i'll mostlikley have that running this weekend as well i ran the plumbing for it today too. this hobby is never ending so far. always some sort of project to be done hahaha.