stocking my tank question


Well i have about the smallest size grain sand in my fuge. And the mud i got in the kit is even finer. I believe the smaller grains the better. It looks like dirt. I just went with the sand because it was cheaper. I cycled it. The kit i got had a whole bunch of shell pieces in the mud. Not too attractive. So i have aragonite fine sand on the bottom and a small layer of mineral mud on top.
If its not a project, its maintanence. :D


Originally Posted by dmc888
Well i have about the smallest size grain sand in my fuge. And the mud i got in the kit is even finer. I believe the smaller grains the better. It looks like dirt. I just went with the sand because it was cheaper. I cycled it. The kit i got had a whole bunch of shell pieces in the mud. Not too attractive. So i have aragonite fine sand on the bottom and a small layer of mineral mud on top.
If its not a project, its maintanence. :D
i'm realizing that hahah... and i've barely even began to start filling the tank yet hehehe... so much more to do. i didn't even know they made kits.


If you need the site for the kit let me know.
I ordered a flame angel,pygmy angel,2 queen conches,lettuce nudi,another condy,2 citron gobies yesterday. For my 2 tanks. Hopefully saltwaterfish will send them out tommorow.
Just did my water changes. An extra ph makes it so much easier changing water.


Originally Posted by dmc888
If you need the site for the kit let me know.
I ordered a flame angel,pygmy angel,2 queen conches,lettuce nudi,another condy,2 citron gobies yesterday. For my 2 tanks. Hopefully saltwaterfish will send them out tommorow.
Just did my water changes. An extra ph makes it so much easier changing water.
condy anenemone? yea i would like to know where u purchased ur kit. i can't wait to make my order for my tank. not this weekend but next weekend i will order all inverts. i have a few now but definatly need some more and i want to gett some sort of sand sifting fish mabye tthe goby. when u do ur water changes do you fill the main tank or the sump? ah yes i have an extra mag 3 now no more siphoning for mehehe.


Well i wanted a 12g change. So i took about 6 total out of the wetdry and then 6 from the main tank. If it were bigger i would took about 90 percent from the wetrdy. And ten percent form the top of the sand.
Whats your email. Rules
My condy is in my 29. With 2 true percs and a valentini puffer. Will be putting the pygmy and my new condy in there .
My last anemone killed my 2 gobies. Gobies and anemonies don't mix well. So no more anemonies in my 55. My 2 citrons and flame angel are going in my 55 and i have a new sleeper goby i got last week. Haven't seen it sift sand yet. My old one did. I have 2 g cromis,2 f. percs,1 bicolor blenny,and a sleeper goby in there now.
For inverts i have 10 nas vibex,10 cerith,7 scarlets left, sandsifting star. I heard conches are pretty good with sandsifting. Guess i will see.
The 29 only has 15 nas obsoletas snails. He murdered a bunch of them. The snails only come out at night now. I ordered a purple urchin for the 29. Hopefully the puffer won't try to eat it. So hard to have a cleaning crew with a puffer.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Well i wanted a 12g change. So i took about 6 total out of the wetdry and then 6 from the main tank. If it were bigger i would took about 90 percent from the wetrdy. And ten percent form the top of the sand.
Whats your email. Rules
My condy is in my 29. With 2 true percs and a valentini puffer. Will be putting the pygmy and my new condy in there .
My last anemone killed my 2 gobies. Gobies and anemonies don't mix well. So no more anemonies in my 55. My 2 citrons and flame angel are going in my 55 and i have a new sleeper goby i got last week. Haven't seen it sift sand yet. My old one did. I have 2 g cromis,2 f. percs,1 bicolor blenny,and a sleeper goby in there now.
For inverts i have 10 nas vibex,10 cerith,7 scarlets left, sandsifting star. I heard conches are pretty good with sandsifting. Guess i will see.
The 29 only has 15 nas obsoletas snails. He murdered a bunch of them. The snails only come out at night now. I ordered a purple urchin for the 29. Hopefully the puffer won't try to eat it. So hard to have a cleaning crew with a puffer. hopefully that works my main email account isn't working right now.


ughhhhhhhhh... the bubbles are back. and now the kole tang has white spots all over him. if this doesn't change soon i'm gonna have to go back to the wetdry. i don't want to lose the fish because of this sump and the bubbles


Well stress plays a major role in ich. If it did stress it out it is possible that the bubbles caused it.
Ich is a horrible parasite. I dealt with it for a while. They cling on to the fish grow then fall off. Then they settle in the substrate then multiply like crazy.
So your fish will be covered in ich and once they fall off you think they are getting better. A week later covered again.
The stage where you try to kill them is their floating stage.
Either by medications, or uv.
Since you are keeping the tangs in there, you should vacuum your substrate often. Have your temp on the high side. And get the uv soon.
Higher temp. makes the ich life cycles faster,and hypo is suppose to help also.
But with inverts you are limited.
Try to make a bioball tower and see if that helps. Setup similar to the wetdry.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Well stress plays a major role in ich. If it did stress it out it is possible that the bubbles caused it.
Ich is a horrible parasite. I dealt with it for a while. They cling on to the fish grow then fall off. Then they settle in the substrate then multiply like crazy.
So your fish will be covered in ich and once they fall off you think they are getting better. A week later covered again.
The stage where you try to kill them is their floating stage.
Either by medications, or uv.
Since you are keeping the tangs in there, you should vacuum your substrate often. Have your temp on the high side. And get the uv soon.
Higher temp. makes the ich life cycles faster,and hypo is suppose to help also.
But with inverts you are limited.
Try to make a bioball tower and see if that helps. Setup similar to the wetdry.
for now i just lowered the flow of the mag9. will see if that helps may just need to keep it that way with a few power heads in the tank


Well i would try the bioballs . If the wetdry had no problem with bubbles i would go that route.
Something like my crappy sketch.
Can try pad and drip plate and the bioballs. And see how it works.
I would borrow some stuff from the wetdry just to see if it helps.
Then if it does work make new parts from acrylic.
I remember seeing someone fuge that had bioballs that helped with bubbles.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Well i would try the bioballs . If the wetdry had no problem with bubbles i would go that route.
Something like my crappy sketch.
Can try pad and drip plate and the bioballs. And see how it works.
I would borrow some stuff from the wetdry just to see if it helps.
Then if it does work make new parts from acrylic.
I remember seeing someone fuge that had bioballs that helped with bubbles.
maybe a speciman contain with bio balls or even live rock ? and i guess i could try to suction cup it to the side. good idea i'll try it out. i don't get these fish hahahah now there are no spots at all on the kole and this morning he was covered. and last night he was fine. i don't get it hahaha


Could use a 2 liter plastic pop bottle or milk jug. Cleaned ofcourse.
Just to see if it works.
Poke some holes on the bottom and cut the top off. Then put some bioballs in there. Could try a pad on top too.
Hopefully when you put it under the pipe flow you will have no bubbles.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Could use a 2 liter plastic pop bottle or milk jug. Cleaned ofcourse.
Just to see if it works.
Poke some holes on the bottom and cut the top off. Then put some bioballs in there. Could try a pad on top too.
Hopefully when you put it under the pipe flow you will have no bubbles.
i will try that now. i'll let u know what's up with it.


it worked for the most part. i still have it tapered off a bit but i decided i'll just add a couple of those seio powerheads. i posted my wetdry up in the classifieds. hopefully i can get rid of it. i'm going to build a box out of plexiglass and hopefully that will work the same. i've been noticing a bit of brown algae i guess it is. on my rocks and sand. need to get some cleanup crew together. i'm definately not stocked well enouogh for the cleanuip part.


ohh yea i forgot to mention i tested my water and everything was good for the most part.
ammonia- 0
natrate- in between 0 and 5
ph 8.2


More flow will help with the algea.
Scarlets do a good job on the sand. They pick up each grain and and put it in their mouth. Then they spin it in there mouth cleaning all the algea around it. Once its clean they spit it out and start on the next piece. They clean rocks too. I heard bluelegs are aggressive and are known to kill scarlets,and snails. Cerith and nassarius vibex help the sand by burying themselves. I heard emeralds are very good too.
I like my sandsifting star, but some don't like them because they eat all the live creatures in the sand. Which is fine by me.
Levels look good.
I got my order today . Yay

I forgot to add the pygmy but thats ok.
My flame angel looks great ,happy and eating,no fighting :D , and everything looked healthy, The condy was a little bleached, but that is expected. Will see how everything goes.
One of my yellow gobies took a trip in the overflow box. Good thing the prefilter is there.
I would consider making a drip plate also. The box that houses the pad with the holes in it.
Your pretty much trying to slow the fall of the water.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Hard to say.
It should start helping soon.
Ich can be a long battle.
so i'm noticing


ok well this morning i woke up my damsel was dead. my yellow tang and kole tang are the worst i have seen. not eating anything, barely able to swim, covered in white bumps. i'm not able to get a pic of the yellow to show how bad but u might be able to see from the kole pic. i can't catch them either becasue as soon as i get anywhere close them with a net they just hide in the rockwork