stocking my tank question


I would put them in a qt. Then use medication and hyposalinity.
I know you have a lot of lr so it will be a pain.
I heard they have treatment that is suppose to be safe for fish and inverts for ich. I remember someone mentioning it a while ago. Forgot the name of it.
I hope they make it.


Originally Posted by dmc888
I would put them in a qt. Then use medication and hyposalinity.
I know you have a lot of lr so it will be a pain.
I heard they have treatment that is suppose to be safe for fish and inverts for ich. I remember someone mentioning it a while ago. Forgot the name of it.
I hope they make it.
yea they do it's called kick ick i've been using it for 2 weeks now.


well i ended up giving them both a fresh water dip tonight so far so good the yellow tang took it like a champ. i definatly thought the kole was done for. it was laying upside down. now he seems ok and he actually ate some food also. i hoooked my protein skimmer back up. also it's actually pulling out some crap. so far so good and i did a 20 gallon water change. hope that works out for me. we shall see what the morning holds for me.


your fish ever make it with the ick? naso has the same problem..ive been using this stuff calledchem-marin stop parasites, dosent seem like its working.. today he looked realy bad.he was covered in heavy ick from head to toe, i mean fin,lol...i gave him a freshwater dip a few hrs ago, hes just chill'n behind the rock now.... he was a

to catch,lol


Active Member
tangs when they get stressed will break out in bumps ..its normal...just get his water perams right...did you cycle the tank?....also i would take the fish out and qt them for awhile...untill your levels are good


Originally Posted by philgmiami
your fish ever make it with the ick? naso has the same problem..ive been using this stuff calledchem-marin stop parasites, dosent seem like its working.. today he looked realy bad.he was covered in heavy ick from head to toe, i mean fin,lol...i gave him a freshwater dip a few hrs ago, hes just chill'n behind the rock now.... he was a

to catch,lol
nah the kole tang died once i moved him to a quarantine tank. and the yellow tang ended up being alright after all was said and done and i traded it for a piece of frogspawn. from what i hear he's still doing good though.


New Member
Originally Posted by dmc888
Keep an eye on the water flow. Make sure the water isn't rising or falling. Steady water line is good.
Was the rock uncured, or maybe a little cured. The ammonia could of stressed them.
I have High Ammonia Levels of .50 ppm in my tank its been up since November 04. Changed filters. Went to a trickle wet/dry from a cannister wet/dry. Left both filters on for more than a month hoping bacteria would grow in new filters. Lost some fish and an getting ready to give up. Been putting Kardon water conditioner in the tank to lower Ammonia level and have Algone pack in aquar. HELP!!! :help:


Originally Posted by njocean
I have High Ammonia Levels of .50 ppm in my tank its been up since November 04. Changed filters. Went to a trickle wet/dry from a cannister wet/dry. Left both filters on for more than a month hoping bacteria would grow in new filters. Lost some fish and an getting ready to give up. Been putting Kardon water conditioner in the tank to lower Ammonia level and have Algone pack in aquar. HELP!!! :help:
how many fish are in in the tank? i had a mini amonia problem. i cut my feedings down to everyother day. and did a 10gal waterchange in my 75 gal every night. was gone in a few days. i'm still new but from what i read frequent water changes and less feedings can really help lower levels.