

Active Member
i checked parameters yesterday. unless my API test kit is faulty, i saw nothing but .10 trates. i'm going to add a few snails and emerald crabs tonight and see how they fare.


Active Member
the snails and crab are still alive! this weekend i'll be adding a fish.
meanwhile, i took an extra bag of sand he had left over and put it in my tank....



Active Member
dang nice tank mr x. i knew there was a reason take your advice lol. if you dont mind me asking. what size tank is it. i think it is the first time i have seen a fish in there.


Active Member
thanks. it's a glass 195 with a starfire front. i have a maculiceps tang, a purple tang, a maroon clown, an algae blenny, a whipfin fairy wrasse, and a green citron goby in it.


Active Member
Doug I can't remember but was it you that had those blue tunicates that looked like a long bushy flower? If so how are they doing?


Active Member
cool thread Mr X, great job so far.
btw i think i read at some point you can use PVC instead of acrylic rods when building rockwork. might be easier and cheaper to get a hold of and cut...


Active Member
it's easier to get a hold of, and just as easy to cut, but the smallest pvc you can buy is way too big for my rock. i saw a guy use it before, but he had giant rocks in a 500 gallon tank.


Of the 150 snails you bought and added, have you noticed any major changes in alige growth, waste being removed from sand, or has any of the snails died or bin eaten?


Active Member
oh..that was a joke. i don't believe in that many snails for any application. i'd probably put 10 nassarius in that 150 gallon tank, and that's only because i know the owner will feed very heavily.