Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
I want t-5's too. The nova extreme pro 20" would work, but I don't wanna pay more for t-5's and get less wattage


Active Member
My T5's were allot less then my MH lights , why do you say pay more for less watts?
I got the Nova Extreme VHO for only 179.00 36in from the Doc's. My coral's came out 100x better under T5 then the MH. JMO..T5's ROCK!


Active Member
Well, their are only a few 20 inch t5ho fixtures. All of them I have seen are more than $225. which is how much a sunpod cost shipped to my door. Am I looking in the wrong place?


Active Member
Sooooooooooo, I pulled a 9 inch bristleworm out of my tank last night. It was insane. I have a few small ones, but this one was waaaay to big for my liking in such a small tank. Do bristleworms go to heaven or hell?


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Sooooooooooo, I pulled a 9 inch bristleworm out of my tank last night. It was insane. I have a few small ones, but this one was waaaay to big for my liking in such a small tank. Do bristleworms go to heaven or hell?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
Go to a lake of fire and fry
see them again 'till the Fourth of July


Active Member
hey subie. thought ill stop by! hey man your tank is coming along great! what do you have in your chambers and duncans are looking hoooooooooootttttttttttttttt


Active Member
As for my back chambers I took out the crap return pump, and put in a maxijet 900 in its place, that along with a koralia 1 and I have plenty of flow. My first chamber(on the right if you are looking at the tank) has purigen and chemipure. 2nd chamber has the false floor removed and the bioballs got taken out. I have a wad of chaeto that is slowly growing, it is also filled with pods I have a 10 watt submersible light shoved down into the middle of it. In chamber 3, the return pump, a bag of rowaphos and a 50 watt heater. Everything is working well, knock on wood, all my parameters are in check and very steady. I run my fuge light on the opposite schedule of my actinics, this way my ph stays steady and the chaeto gets about 13 hours of light.
Just tested:
Specific Gravity...1.026
Nitrate... around 5


Active Member
Thank you spanko and Nano-newb for the comments. I actually ran out of my Tropic Marin Pro Reef salt and picked up a 50 gallon bag of Reef Crystals. Seems to be pretty good, although the Tropic Marin definitely dissolved faster. In the next month I am going to switch to Oceanic, I have only heard good things about it. I am getting really antsy about picking up my new corals. Hope it happens soon.


Active Member
Hmmmm.......seems like you are having now problems with the Tropic Marin Pro. Why fix what ain't broke?


Active Member
Yes, a lot of people local to me use it and swear by it. Considering it is much less than the Tropic Marin I wanted to give it a shot. Now you have me thinking twice about it


Active Member
Have you looked around for any of the parameter comparisons between them? may be worth a look before changing.