substitution for suction cups?


Active Member
i'm having issues keeping one of my maxijets 1200 on the glass. the suction cup just doesnt seem to want to stay on. they're about 6 months old and are the original cups. anything better than just replacing the cups?


Active Member
if i were to use a magnet it would have to be in the tank and outside the tank no? wouldn't magnets mess up the water?


Active Member
these are rubber coated. You would need 2 per ph. Epoxy or silicone one to the powerhead and place the other one on outside. I'm going magnets b/c I don't want my ph to fall and disturb the sand. Suction cups really "suck."


Active Member
from your post, you have mj's as well. are you using the cradle that comes with it that you normally would put the suction cups onto?


Active Member
FYI, I don't have water in my tank yet. I wonder if that is a universal "cradle" if so I'll attach the magnet to it in case of ph failure, it could be replaced.


Active Member
hmm... boiling suction cups... the wife thinks i'm nuts already, this is going to confirm it :) :jumping:


Replace the suction cups. Go to walmart and hit the craft section. They have killer suction cups. Snaps right into the MJ plate.


Active Member
Try staples!!!! :hilarious

Sorry, coffee not kicked in yet.
I don't have problems as long as the glass stays nice and clean. I usually clean the suction cups really well too before putting them on. One trick I have tried with good success is to put a TINY dab of corn oil on the suction side before putting it on. This helps keep water out and provides a real good seal. The oil is organic so it won't harm the system. Just enough oil on your fingertip to provide a slight glaze to the cup is all you need.
You could also try duct tape!! :hilarious OK, time to get another cup of coffee!!


Active Member
not sure any of those suggestions would work though under 8 inches of water :( maybe the ducttape....
gonna try the magnets from that site listed on the other post and see how they work--they are cheap enough and more of a permanent solution.


Active Member
The magnets would also allow you to move the ph around easier so you can have different flow on different days.
The Grog- what made you think of corn oil?

jessi p

Great magnets - I just love this idea. I have 2 PH's that need attached somewhere and these magnets are perfect!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheGrog
The oil is organic so it won't harm the system.
crude oil is organic, will that harm the system?
cats have nipples, Greg, can you milk a cat?

bang guy

Originally Posted by renogaw
maybe with enough oil on your fingers...
Milking a cat with oily fingers is probably a good way to lose a finger. With my cat you'd be pulling back a bloody stump where your hand was lol