***** Sucks! Here Is Why!



actually, a little bit of both...

we have one kinda near us, it's like a 30 minute drive, but it's in this really really expensive new outdoor mall with heated sidewalks and everything. Everything there is even more expensive than usual...


Active Member
ya... cheesecake factory is really expensive too... they are worth it like once a year...
fruity smilies peeps...


HAHAHA!!! that is one of my all-time favorites... including the steamroller one


me neither! it'll be a fun little road trip! we'll meet in the middle...


Active Member
im sry but y the hell do we go there if we hate them so much!? if we think there is no good about them and theyre the ultimate evil and stuff then y bother evn going there? support a local lfs if ***** is the source of ur probs! sry for being the exact opposite of subtle but seriously ppl..


opheria no i will not and i have been very cautious despite what you think.. and i generally only shop at the petzone which is owned and ran by a friend for 25 years... i just happened to bet here and new a red scooter was somthing i wanted and it looked close enough to fool *****.. and apparently me... and belive me i am known for my great ability to convince.. the 800 was only after i screamed lawsuit for evrything that got killed and my time... and i threatened the news.. so they gave me somthing to shut up.. and it worked.. i have since dumped a qaurter of it at the petzone! and yes i actually ordered the book off eb** sorry.. it was cheaper.. almost free...


yeah i've gotta cheesecake factory right below my office. i'll never go there. can't stand the whole fake corporate authenticity appeal.
for further details, please refer to my post on why starbucks is inevitable proof tying into the coming of the rapture. if you refer to the book of Revelations, you will see direct references to it when the angel's opening the scrolls. can't remember which scroll it is but i do distinctly recall it saying something about the abomination of desolation deriving from corporate swine falsly replicating coffee into hip, cool lifestyles.