***** Sucks! Here Is Why!


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
yeah i've gotta cheesecake factory right below my office. i'll never go there. can't stand the whole fake corporate authenticity appeal.
for further details, please refer to my post on why starbucks is inevitable proof tying into the coming of the rapture. if you refer to the book of Revelations, you will see direct references to it when the angel's opening the scrolls. can't remember which scroll it is but i do distinctly recall it saying something about the abomination of desolation deriving from corporate swine falsly replicating coffee into hip, cool lifestyles.
Actually it's the Book of Revelation....


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
me neither! it'll be a fun little road trip! we'll meet in the middle...

Yuck. You aren't missing much! Both times I ate their I got sick from their food, and their cheesecake isn't even that good. I'll never go there again!!!


Tragically, I used to work at ***** (don't beat me) I tried to get hired on as the Saltwater specialist but some older fella had better credentials. I tried to help and give/get some advice but soon learned this older fella was all talk and seemed to inherit all his knowledge from a roomate who had a freshwater but read a lot about salt. Anyways, he'd order mass quantities of blue damsels, percula and clarkii clownfish (like 30-40 an order) and stuff them all in one of those little cubes (about 9 gallons). My main argument was the filtration system, even though it was beefy, couldn't handle that load. But what did I know, I wasn't the specialist, I was the one who got to pluck all the dead ones every morning before customers came and saw how well our aquatic specialist took care of his fish.
I hated that place.......met a cute girl working there though, but - like all good things in life - I got stabbed in the back with a blunt cheese-grater and left for dead while those who were my "friends" took advantage of the situation and convinced her I wasn't all that special. No argument there.
In other words, I hate ***** too. I shop there, but don't buy anything.


while i do agree that ***** played a part, i still think it's partly your fault... you can't really mix up a red scooter with any other fish. Maybe some dumb young teenager that doesn't know better can, but being in the hobby, you should have known. Red scooters (which are not blennys, and are actually of the dragonett group) have very distinct features that can't very easily be mixed up. It appears you did not do any research on the fish you purchased, and blaming the whole thing on ***** is just irresponsible IMO. Please don't take offense to this post, but take responsibility for your actions, and next time do some research beforehand.


Active Member
I'm not going to lie.
I shop at *****.
4 of my 5 fish came from *****. I have never had a problem. Reasonable prices for healthy fish. I do RESEARCH before I even think of purchasing a fish, I know that fish front to back before I have it bagged.
I think it's your own stupidity, from what I had read, that you had problems with the fish.
Working at a LPS, I know the types of people that come in. If you don't like the way I am doing something (i.e. accidently dropping a fish on the floor), tell me you want another one. I have NEVER dropped a fish, and if I do, then I will put it back and give you another. It is not *****'s fault for you buying fish on impulse. No one to blame but yourself, Puff.
A successful hobbyist is made by responsibility, research and experimentation. Not impulse buys and finger pointing.


Originally Posted by puff_puff_
my looses totlaed about 50 bucks.. my time totaled about 100 bucks.. the other 650 was my big mouth and threats...
DUDE..... your makin me look bad smalls. now i have to admitt that Mr. Tx was right. Lawsuits are really not cool even if it is the man that you are sueing.......... killin me smalls


first of all.. look up a red spotted grubfish.. they do resemble them.. not a great deal but they do... and your right it is techinically a dragonet but still commonly called a blenny even in books.. in fact most blennies are dragonets as i do more research. and if you went and bought a mustand from a national ford dealership and took it home and found a 4 cylinder when infact you clearly bought a GT V-8 and didnt look to carefully cause it was a national dealership, your telling me your to blame???? SO I WILL NOT TAKE OFFENSE TO YOUR COMMENT... but i will comment that your are damaged goods.. (figure it out)


Active Member

Originally Posted by puff_puff_
first of all.. look up a red spotted grubfish.. they do resemble them.. not a great deal but they do... and your right it is techinically a dragonet but still commonly called a blenny even in books..
in fact most blennies are dragonets as i do more research. and if you went and bought a mustand from a national ford dealership and took it home and found a 4 cylinder when infact you clearly bought a GT V-8 and didnt look to carefully cause it was a national dealership, your telling me your to blame???? SO I WILL NOT TAKE OFFENSE TO YOUR COMMENT... but i will comment that your are damaged goods.. (figure it out)

Actually it is usually classified as a Goby. I've never seen it classified as a Blenny.


Active Member
and if you went and bought a mustand from a national ford dealership and took it home and found a 4 cylinder when infact you clearly bought a GT V-8 and didnt look to carefully cause it was a national dealership, your telling me your to blame????
The question is not that ***** is completely innocent....clearly, they mislabeled something and for that they are responsible and did FAR more than any LFS I have ever heard of for you.
What people are saying is that you ALSO have some responsibility.
Would you go to a car dealer without researching anything or knowing anything about what you wanted to buy? Go in and say I want a F150 and they say that's it right there and point at a Focus and you say I'll take it!
That is the comparison, not the different engine, IMO. These are TOTALLY different fish with TOTALLY different needs. Not the same fish in a slightly different package; a female when you wanted a male, a Red Sea form when you wanted Indo Pacific, or something more difficult to distinguish.
If you had the F150/Focus example, or say an F150 versus a Ranger, which is perhaps more in line with this discussion, you would probably laugh at the person who fell for that. They had some responsibility to know what they were buying, as the dealer had to know what they were selling. But this is what you are describing to fish people, and this is why we keep posting. Please understand that people are trying to help you out here.
Only the BUYER can insure that they are not being mislead. If you choose not to research, and take the risk, then you have a responsibility and it is partly your fault. And if it happens twice...


the only blennies that are actually dragonetts are the scooters. There's a normal scooter and a red scooter and those are dragonetts... all other blennies are blennies. And your example isn't anything like what you actually did. If you went to a ford dealership to buy a new mustang, and came home with a charger, that'd be your fault...


and damaged goods?
just curious puff, you're like 15 or 16, right?

tx reef

Active Member
Wow, this one has gone on alot longer than other ***** threads I have seen.
Hopefully this one will go away soon.
Puff, quit your
You screwed up, it's your fault, and you came out of the whole deal smelling lke a rose (if you did in fact get that much money from them). If you did get that from them, you are a sad, pathetic person. If you were only owed a certain amount of money, I believe you said $150, then that is all you should have taken. It is attitudes like yours that make this countries legal system so screwed up. How is it that someone can spill coffee on themselves and get rich?
You bought fish you shouldn't have and then whined and threatened a large company until you got way more money than you should have.
How pathetic.
Grow up, be a man, and learn to take responsibility for your own actions. A real man can admit his faults and take responsibility.
Anyway, why don't one of you guys or gals start another thread on pies (I have some recipes ya'll would just love)? Then maybe this nasty thread will go away.............

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
and damaged goods?
just curious puff, you're like 15 or 16, right?

By the way, what does he mean by damaged goods?


Anyway, why don't one of you guys or gals start another thread on pies (I have some recipes ya'll would just love)? Then maybe this nasty thread will go away.............
Well then spit them out we are all ears open.......