i was in my lfs thats a very reliable store. The owner was putting suger mixed with plain water in his reef tank.He says it lowers nitrates to zeroif you use it every day for 2 weeks .He says there are no side effects as far as he can tell so far hes been doing this for almost 6 months on and off.OF course im going to try it on a smaller tank before i put it in my reef.The only thing he says is it might cloud your water for a day.Its onetablespoon per 100 gallons. Has any one ever heard o this or is it urband fish legend;Sounds to good and easy to be true i will post my results I have a empty hospital tank im going to raise nitrates to very high levels and try to get them down One last thing he still does regular water changes and only uses this if nitrates rise too high for any reason .If anyone knows about this subject please write