sump overflow question


i need to know if my overflow piping that runs down to my sump is ok, its not pvc but its like flex hose,its what came with it. everyone i see has pvc lines rumnnin will the flex hose slow down my rate of turn over. i guess what im asking is would it be better to forget the hose and run all pvc or just let it be?


i thought this section was for noobs? well i post a couple thread and i dont get ne replys barely but i look at others threads from people that have been on here a while and everybody and anybody is answering their questions. thinking about finding a new forum,i feel like an outsider.

u mike

Originally Posted by kearj74
i thought this section was for noobs? well i post a couple thread and i dont get ne replys barely but i look at others threads from people that have been on here a while and everybody and anybody is answering their questions. thinking about finding a new forum,i feel like an outsider.
just relax it all deponds who is reading each post. check out all the sections ,see if a different one applies to what you want .


Active Member
Originally Posted by kearj74
i thought this section was for noobs? well i post a couple thread and i dont get ne replys barely but i look at others threads from people that have been on here a while and everybody and anybody is answering their questions. thinking about finding a new forum,i feel like an outsider.

I know how you feel. Any thread I ever start falls off the boards before I even post them. It is a hit or miss.
On your question, can you be a little more specific as to the flex hose it has. Maybe a pic of it. If a pic is possible a shot of the inside would be nice.
IMO, people do PVC because it is neat, has specific fittings, it is smooth inside, and it's cheap. Flex has it's advantages tho, it can be run direct to the point of use. Compaines will supply hose verses PVC as each tank is different. There is way too much customization in this hobbie for a one size fits all kind thing.


Active Member
Oh yea, the forums should get a lot more busy in the next couple of days. This is a weekend for travel.

bang guy

Originally Posted by kearj74
i thought this section was for noobs? well i post a couple thread and i dont get ne replys barely but i look at others threads from people that have been on here a while and everybody and anybody is answering their questions. thinking about finding a new forum,i feel like an outsider.
I don't know how else I could have answered your question.


bang guy i appreciated your responce it wasnt this thread i was referring to. but i do need help, this overflow has some wierd plunger thing here is some pics. and one of my tank i just finished biulding the stand and canopy and got in the house tonite with the help of some friends. heavy son of a ...



Active Member
OH Yea, Nice work!!

If you run the flex hose you will be just fine. If you would like to do some PVC work, well, that will work too.


thanx posiden, i thought id be alright but wanted to make sure. so do you know anything about my overflow i pictured? it has 2 drains inside 1 is taller than the other and the short one has a plunger like thing that has a hose rummim thru it. doesnt make sence to me.

bang guy

I've never see the plunger type thingy you have there. If I were to guess I would say it's supposed to be the primary and the second, taller tube is supposed to be a backup overflow. I could be really out in left field with that though.
There should also be a couple of U shaped siphon tubes.


it does have the u tube but i just left it out so u could see the inside of the overflow. so would it hurt if i just ran both lines to a t at the sump,so that way if the primary gets pluged for some reason it will start going out the taller one. or will that be noisey and cause some sort of back siphon or something.

bang guy

Since I'm not familiar with the plunger thingy I'd recommend a specific question about that overflow in the equipment forum. Does the plunger thing float when was is in the overflow? I'm wondering if it's an air management device of some type.


it sits like a cap kinda with the hose coming up thru it. you can see inside the overflow the tube with the black ring around it thats where it goes, i posted there with no responces.


ive tried to figure that out, there is no name anywhere on it. i got it with my tank i bought used.


Active Member
I was affraid of that. No name on it that is. I have been looking online for you and I have not come across any HOB overflows with that cap like piece.
It looks like the pipes inside are of different heights? I also think I see the one pipe has a hole cut in the bottom?? the one on the left in the pics.
Maybe you could get a different angle pic?


yes the left pipe is shorter than the one on the right,(in pics) they both are outlets but the left one(which is the short one) gets the cap, so if i put that cap hose thing on the left one and fill the overflow with water it will rise up till the short one is submerged and then drains into the right one. the hose on the cap i noticed is kind of adjustable to how far up or down it is in the cap.


Active Member
Well back to the drawing board then. I was hoping that the shorter pipe had another opening then the one in the top. Then it would make some sense. The cap would act like a durso style stand pipe and the hose that moves up and down would allow you to tune it depending on how much GPH you were running through it. The other pipe I believe is an emergency pipe. It will stay dry untill there is a issue with the primary drain.
Where is the crusty old water line in relation to the pipes height?


the crusty old waterline ,i think its an airline is adjustable to come up to top of overflow or all the way down so it all the way down drain tube.