alright, got it up and running. it took some playing with to balance it but for now its ok. i have yet to add the blue/white filter material but i will as soon as i can get to a shop. i also need to add a nice bulb to the fuge light cus the one i just bought already burtn out, kinda pissed. i took the brace between dividers out and it seems to be holding fine.
i have some sand coming this weekend which i will lay down in the fuge and hopefully some critters. i plan on keeping the fuge relatively clean and would like to house some neat little inverts that we cant put in the dt. i also wonder about adding bioballs to the last chamber where the pump is? i have moved the skimmer to the back of the tank (spitting tons of bubbles which is why the tank is cloudy) so i have just the pump in that last chamber.
i found a guy in town that builds overflow boxes out of acrylic so this setup is pending a delivery from him. thanks for your imput and help getting this going.