Sump purchase?


Hello everyone,
I have a established 56 gallon tank. My question is, what exactly do i need to make or buy a refuge? I was thinking 10 gallon, ... thats all i know about. Like how would you run it throught the tank and such. Maybe someone has a simple diagram? Do you need lighting for the plants? Are there plants that dont need lighting? I do really plan to spend too much either, well i hope not.
Much Appreciated,

sign guy

Active Member
my diagram is at the house so ill post it a little latter but yoll need at least a 20 or 25 gallon. youll also need an overflow and pump a light, sand and lr. when I get home from work ill explane more


Ok lets see here... I've looked at each of your designs, and both look good. Do either of you ( or anyone for that matter ) have an actual picture of your Refugium? Just so I can see what exactly it is I need. Lights, sand, plants, etc. And how exactally do you get the water into the refugium? I know that you need a powerhead to blow the water back out, but how do you get the water in?
Thanks so much,


for our designs you use an overflow from your main tank and drain it into the sump/fuge. then a return pump to pump it back to the main tank. i may have some pics somewhere...


if you check the third page in that link i pm'd you it shows a bunch of pics of the 20 gallon sump/fuge i built.


Ahh, i see it now. Lets talk prices. About how much would you say all this would cost me, to make one like the one you pm'd me? What size would you recomend?


Active Member
i am thinking of converting to a sump too, but am always worry about overflow. anything to curb that fear?


you can buy and build one for less than $100. your most expensive piece is the tank, and if you can find a used one you're in great shape. I used a 20 gallon high for a 55 gallon tank and it seems to be working out great. I would go with whatever size tank you can fit under your display tank.


i just got done working a 12 hour shift, so bare with me here...
1. tank
2. 3 pieces of precut glass
3. 1 piece of plexiglass that i cut and drilled.
4. ge 1 or 2 silicone. i used two, but either one works.
you will also need a return pump and an overflow.
my buddy used a mag 9 on his 55 gallon tank.
and for the overflow we used a marineland tidepool 2. but any overflow will work.
i think thats about it.


for light, i just went to home depot and bought a clip on work light and a 6000, or 6500k ( i forget which) day light spiral bulb. I ran it opposite of my display tank lights.
I only did a 3" sand bed with some rubble rock and cheato.


Hrm.... so.... thinking. This will help my overall tank, like... My coral growth water parameters, fish health, it stabilizes everything right? Once you pay for the tank and such. I can kinda take it at my own pace, like start with some sand and stuff. Overall very benifitial?


I like it mostly for keeping equipment out of the main tank. I keep my skimmer, and heater down there. the cheato helps take nutrients out of the water. It adds water volume which makes the tank easier to care for.
You can just the bare tank if you like. and when you are ready, add some live sand, and then rubble rock as you like.