Sun coral pics


Hers the sun coral i recently got that ive been asking help to keep healthy. Hope this works, 1st time posting pic



wow.. looks great.. I want one.. but im scared that it requires 2 much care... everyones scared me away from them.

Not to mention every single one of them in my LFS looks like crap and is half dead


Needs zero lighting vinnyl.
I had the same problem sarno. Wanted 1 forever!! Every 1 i saw was half dead with alot of recession. Like 5 times i almost got a crappy 1 but each time i didnt and waited a few days to see if anyone else bought it. Each time someone did and i was pissed thinking i shoulda got it. Then 2 weeks ago my LPS of all people got 3 AMAZING 1's but they were to big for my tank. Then last week , im makin my rounds and BAM, the nicest 1 ive ever seen in person. SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy

BIG and i mean BIG props to Exotic Aquatics fot this 1!!
Moral of the story, wait and keep looking and youll find a great 1


Vinnyl, ive mostly been feeding mine frozen cyclopeeze soaked in selcon and zoecon. It ate a little krill also. Tried mysis 2 times with no luck, gonna try a few more times with it though.
What stores do you usually go to, vinnyl?


Originally Posted by sufunk
Vinnyl, ive mostly been feeding mine frozen cyclopeeze soaked in selcon and zoecon. It ate a little krill also. Tried mysis 2 times with no luck, gonna try a few more times with it though.
What stores do you usually go to, vinnyl?

It depends.... I usually get good prices - pet warehouse (close to Olive Garden on University Dr),......Big Als..... and one small place on 441 and atlantic....
What about you?


Exotic Aquatic, Jawz, and a lps right near me. They all have been getting nice corals lately. Exotic is a little expensive but they get some really nice stuff( my sun). Jawz, i believe has new ownership, they used to be garbage but has been pretty nice the last 2 months. Check them out.
p.s.- if your looking for corals, dont bother at Big Als. Their coral=expensive trash!


Originally Posted by sufunk
Exotic Aquatic, Jawz, and a lps right near me. They all have been getting nice corals lately. Exotic is a little expensive but they get some really nice stuff( my sun). Jawz, i believe has new ownership, they used to be garbage but has been pretty nice the last 2 months. Check them out.
p.s.- if your looking for corals, dont bother at Big Als. Their coral=expensive trash!

I bought a couple things from Jawz..... 1 hippo, 1 flame, and pay 10$ for a Fiji leather... great deal huh?!
I've been to Exotic before.....but they tried to push a sick flame angel..... never went back after that.
Check the thread for trading stuff in Fl.....we are trying to get as many people as possible involved. My email is, if anything shoot me an email.


Try exotics again, i think theve gotten better. They have 2 guys there. 1 is like a punk guy with spiked hair and piercings, hes cool and has always been straight and fair with me. The other is the owner or manager, hes really nice but ive heard him giving some real shady advice to newbies!
p.s- i got a GREAT deal at Jawz on a REALLY nice torch, they are definitely the cheapest


Found 1 more, with my dang blueleg thinking better of messing with it
I swear , a few hermits are gonna get executed, i gotta keep knockin them away with a baster. I dont want them anywhere near it!


Originally Posted by sufunk
Try exotics again, i think theve gotten better. They have 2 guys there. 1 is like a punk guy with spiked hair and piercings, hes cool and has always been straight and fair with me. The other is the owner or manager, hes really nice but ive heard him giving some real shady advice to newbies!
p.s- i got a GREAT deal at Jawz on a REALLY nice torch, they are definitely the cheapest

Let me know when you start fragging your sun coral.....or whatever else nice u may have


cool, i will, have a torch and frogspawn that maybe soon could be fragged. Have some nice xenia that i fragged a few weeks ago. Let me know when you frag some leather


Originally Posted by sufunk
cool, i will, have a torch and frogspawn that maybe soon could be fragged. Have some nice xenia that i fragged a few weeks ago. Let me know when you frag some leather
I did already..... but I want to make sure they attach well and are 100% well. I'd say 11/2 - 2 wks....


i like it alot i want to get one as my first coral
do u have to add anything to the water besides feeding the polyps??


The only thing i add to the water is a few drops of vita-chem every few days, dt's oyster eggs or dts pyto every 2-3 days. I also soak the suns and sometimes fish food in selcon, zoecon and sometimes zoe.


Originally Posted by sufunk
Hers the sun coral i recently got that ive been asking help to keep healthy. Hope this works, 1st time posting pic
