Sun coral pics


NM, sorry to go a little further off topic but have you heard anything about why my sufunk name got deleted?? The thread with me asking you seems to be deleted now as well???


my sun coral still hasnt opened up. it started to last night but the feeder tencales didnt come out. is thier anything i can do. i still tryied to feed using the cup over the top method but i dont think it worked. should i be worreid or do you think it is still ajusting to my tank.
p.s. sorry for kinda stealen your thread


Originally Posted by puffer9006
my sun coral still hasnt opened up. it started to last night but the feeder tencales didnt come out. is thier anything i can do. i still tryied to feed using the cup over the top method but i dont think it worked. should i be worreid or do you think it is still ajusting to my tank.
p.s. sorry for kinda stealen your thread

Leave pieces of mysis shrimp in each of its polyps and in a matter of minutes it will start eating it. I usually turn off my pumps and everything so the shrimp doesnt get blown by the current, when i put it on the polyps, the mouth comes out and starts eating.


Here is a picture of my sun polyp. Sorry that its only a side picture and not the whole thing....


Well, that sure is a tease!!!
Looks really nice, gotta get a full pic for us!
I gotta get a new pic of mine, my camera is so lame though. I need NM to come and take a pic for me after it eats to do some justice to this coral.


P.s.- NM, if you want to move this to the corals section feel free. W ehave kinda gotten off topic but i think wed all like to keep talking about what we do with our suns. Its pretty cool to see so many REALLY nice specimens of a hard to keep coral and talk to their owners.


mine still hasnt opened up yet but it looks like it want to. it comes out as far as it can without its feeder tenacules coming out. i tryied the mysis thing didnt really work although some seemed to open up. i think it probley will tonight because it looked like it started to during the day.


When its like that, put the cup over it and shoot in a little cyclopeeze soaked in a few drops selcon or zoecon mixed in a little tank water. It should open all the way after a few minutes then.


They are just vitamin/fatty acid supplements. Your lfs should have one or both, almost definitely zoecon. Mine seems to really respond to them.


do you get them at exotic the one place i got mine sun coral i know doesnt have any cuz i work thier.
i put the cup over the coral and the polypes closed up did this ever happen to you.


The exotic i was talking about is in Florida.
Yeah, mine has done that, but now im real careful and slow when i put it over the sun. Now i think he actually knows foods coming and opens up. Mine seems pretty well trained, Starts to open about 6:30 and i start feeding around 7:00.


I'm hoping these pics come over, had problems before, but here's my sun coral, about 1 month in my 125 now, he's doing great. In this shot he'd been here a week, still happy and hungry

Also, added a picture of my bat and my newest coral, if you can identify it that would be great. Forgot the name and need to research it tonight.
These are my first shots and still don't know how to use macro setting so bear with me...



it opened up and looks great thanks for all your help. im glad you did a post on this because i dont think id ever get one if it wasnt for you. thanks again. :jumping: :jumping:


Originally Posted by puffer9006
it opened up and looks great thanks for all your help. im glad you did a post on this because i dont think id ever get one if it wasnt for you. thanks again. :jumping: :jumping:

Thank you and you're welcome. Enjoy and keep us updated. Mine already is the most enjoyable thing about my tank byfar. :joy: