Sun coral pics


Also Mag395, in your neck of the woods, don't forget Scott at World of Tropical Fish, Deerfield, smaller shop but a great quy, he does my water changes, I'm in East Pompano close to you.


Originally Posted by victoria
Also Mag395, in your neck of the woods, don't forget Scott at World of Tropical Fish, Deerfield, smaller shop but a great quy, he does my water changes, I'm in East Pompano close to you.
Where is world of tropical fish?


It's a small shop pretty hidden, near 10th and federal in deerfield, a Large shopping center on east side, where there's dollar store and Cuban restaurant, the store is at the far North end.
Sounds like you are an addict like me, just came back from EA over lunch, orange bubble anenome $80 and blue carpet anenome $120....ouch, I'm going to check here and around but I really loved them but way expensive.
What size tank do you have?


only a 36 now but hopefully ordering or getting a 180 or 225 this weekend.
Yeah, ive been drooling over that blue carpet for a LONG time. Its just way too big for my tank. It actually was alot nicer a few weeks ago, i think its starting to go downhill

Thay are pretty expensive and now theyve gone to that crappy carmax format, "this is our LOW price so no haggling!". Whats that about?? if i wanna be told what to do, ill stay at home and let my wife order me around
, but when im in a fish store, i expect to be able to haggle.


Great ! Good luck with the new tank, if you find something you aren't interested in let Sufunk know, he's looking too. I have a 125 I bought used $250 for absolutely everything including the best choralline algae embedded rock I've seen, also UV, Calcium reactor ect.. Still don't know how to use the calcium reactor.. I totally believe in buying a mature tank, of course my glass could implode anytime now..hehe


Here's what I know, it'sa 180 2-3 years old with factory metal halide canopy, ($1k investment alone there) also power cpmact in lighting.....full wet dry pumps, loads of rock, heavy coraline running system. Stand...Breeding pair of maroon clowns (breed weekly).
Full running set up ready to go... I'd take it myself for the halide alone, He's looking at $1500. Let me know asap.


i did it i have been reading and looking at this thread and my lfs got a real nice one in and i bought it. i couldnt be happyer
. i got it under a little cave and it looks great i cant wait to see it open.


Cool puffer, post a pic.
What kind of lights you have? If not MH,id consider taking it out and putting it in the open, looks better and easier to feed


im getting mh in like a week so i might leave it under thier . ill see if i can get pics of it when i get home from work tonight.
how long was it before yours open up


The 1st night he only opened like halfway when i put some food in the tank but by the second day he was opening as full or fuller than the pic. Usually ill drop in a drop of selcon or zoecon in the tank and wait like 10 minutes. He'll open 25-50% so i put the cup over him and squirt in just a little food. After 5 more minutes hes totally open and ready to be fed.


i was reading one of your first post. i had the same problem with exocitics. but the lfs i go to toms tropicals got an alsome one in and i couldnt pass one up. its great i no when they get shipment so im thier first. the only problem is thier is a very limited selection. if your not thier on a monday forget getting something good. all though they have a blussom(sp)one of those rare corals for like $40 its been in thier for awhile.


New Member
those are some nice sun corals

heres mine. i feed it mysis and krill at least twice a week.


Now thats a sun coral!!! Very, very nice!
You tryin to show me up in my own thread?!?!?!?!?!

I can tell you from experience that is a happy sun after hes been fed. Mine's actually looks better than my pics and looks just like that now. Ill try to get some new pics up in the next few days.
How long have you had it? What size tank?


New Member
haha, i didn't mean any harm by posting up my pics. i've had it for a little over a year now and its in a 20g.

nm reef

Active Member
Some very nice photos of sun corals to say the least.....the last offering by Bread really stands out.....great detail!
Any info on the camera used and settings?
...and I hate to be a pest but the focus of photography threads should be on the topic of "photography" and this one seems to have gotten way off the topic....discussion is encouraged but most of the discussion on this thread has been anything but photography related.


New Member
i used a sony DSC-P8 cybershot with a magnifying glass as a macro lense. i used the regular point and shoot settings with macro mode on. i was quite surprised that the photo turned out the way it did.