Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bubblegurl http:///t/387650/supplement-discussion#post_3431474
What about vodka dosing? I've been reading a lot about this but don't understand-actual vodka like Absolut? Or is there another product and what is this for? It appears to be for nitrate control or aiding coral growth/color but there's not a lot of info I've been able to find?
Vodka dosing is very dangerous if you don't have a top of the line skimmer and lots of oxygen. There is a product that I use, it's called an Aquaripure filter. You put the vodka into that, it takes care of needing a skimmer but you do need to run an airline NO STONE...just a line to add more oxygen. Put a regulator on the line to keep it from making too much splash creating salt creep. It does control algae and it does eliminate nitrates. I have one on my seahorse, and my reef tank. 0 nitrates mean happy corals...unless you want soft coral like Xenia, they like a little nitrate, but SPS and LPS does not.
Originally Posted by Bubblegurl http:///t/387650/supplement-discussion#post_3431474
What about vodka dosing? I've been reading a lot about this but don't understand-actual vodka like Absolut? Or is there another product and what is this for? It appears to be for nitrate control or aiding coral growth/color but there's not a lot of info I've been able to find?
Vodka dosing is very dangerous if you don't have a top of the line skimmer and lots of oxygen. There is a product that I use, it's called an Aquaripure filter. You put the vodka into that, it takes care of needing a skimmer but you do need to run an airline NO STONE...just a line to add more oxygen. Put a regulator on the line to keep it from making too much splash creating salt creep. It does control algae and it does eliminate nitrates. I have one on my seahorse, and my reef tank. 0 nitrates mean happy corals...unless you want soft coral like Xenia, they like a little nitrate, but SPS and LPS does not.