swimmer4uus's Nanowave 9 project


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
nice zoas, i know where ya got em... Few weeks im getting more, i cant wait
Mine that i got from jim grow like mad
Awesome! Getting my hopes up now are we?! I sure can use a lot of growth in my tank at the moment....too many frags everywhere, but I think I'm done with the coral purchases for now


Thanks...Did some testing this morning. All the params are A ok, expect ph...its still a little low, and I'm buffing really slow right now. It's higher than it was before though. The tank the little guys are in is doing pretty good too. Nothing that stands out there. I wish I had better lights on it, cause then that Kenya would be in there making friends with the clowns.


haha, that'd be cool. I'm sticking it in there now...if they host in it, I won't frag...if they don't host....let the fragging begin


I have two 13 watt regular plug in lights over the tank now. I'm in the process of buying a couple PC lights to match what I have on my nano so corals going back and forth won't be shocked as much, and that way I can keep the tank going after the fish are transfered if I want to



The larger LOVES the rock that's hold the bottle top down. She's always right there, and she sleeps there too. Only time she goes away is when the male comes close and pisses her off, or if I'm feeding