swimmer4uus's Nanowave 9 project


hahaha, yeah. i have a funny feeling this will become a frag tank...and to keep the frags happy....a little live rock, a picasso clown, couple shrimp, snails, crabs....you know...nothing big


Active Member
Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
That's on the list for sure. My roommates are gonna freak when they get off work and see what I've done
dude they are freaking now! they in the car going i wonder what swimmer did!


Active Member
were your cassos A's or B's? where did you get them from? i know a breeder, avg price but really good looking fish!


Well, the LFS was selling them as A's. The two I got where almost like A-'s. They have two more, but after looking at them I can definantly see they're grade b's. Tomorrow I'm recieving two grade B's, but they're more like B+'s, and might morph into A's. The more I look at them though, I'd much prefer B's with a lot of black coloration, rather than A's. Also, one of the guy's at the LFS is looking to get rid of his male picasso, for 25 bucks...might have to keep him in the QT tank...and make it a not so QT tank


Yeah, he's got some good stuff. can't wait for them to grow onto my rockwork. Everything seems to be taking off like weeds so hopefully it'll be in no time


Originally Posted by NanoMantis
What kind of substrate are you using?

haha, was asked this on another forum. It's pretty much just black gravel. I didn't want to go with live sand because I wanted all my corals to pop out even that much more...but there's a lot of fine sand between it too so hopefully it'll turn into live sand...if not I'll just vacume it every water change....seems to be doing ok, and the snails are cleaning it just fine