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They have no idea how to handle it. Napolitano already stated she wouldn't close the border... until it's too late.
Flu still kills today. Tamiflu may help, but even a local outbreak would overload the local system. Lots of nursing and support equipiment needed to keep people alive. The elderly and the very young are most at risk.
We could turn folks away like they are in the gov't controlled Mexican healthcare system.
We could limit health care to only those with "fluorescent intellects"
The problem with this strain of flu is it's affecting people between the ages of 20 and 40, not the young and old that you normally see get severely ill or die when they contract the flu. Tamiflu is showing significant relief for the symptoms of swine flu, and Napolitano is getting Tamiflu reserves shipped to the areas in the US where the majority of cases have been reported. The problem is, everyone is running with the media hype, and jumping to conclusions about whether they have the swine flu, or just a spring cold. The family that lives outside San Antonio that is in quarantine has had testing for swine flu completed. They have now found that the boy who attended the school does in fact have swine flu, but the father and daughter actually have Type A flu. So even if someone is exhibiting flu symptoms, they could just have the flu that's been going around prior to this swine flu outbreak.
If we wanted to monitor the traffic coming across the border, there are more effective means to do so. I was watching GMA before leaving work this morning, and they were showing how Europe airports are using Heat Detection Systems at all the security gates. Security has these screens that show excessive heat patterns when people pass by the sensors. If they see any person 'lighting up' the screen, they pull them out of line and check their temperature. If they have a fever, they deny them access to the plane.