Originally Posted by
Not going inot the last game which we mailed in bc we were already eliminated. If we had won any other game all we had to do was beat the rams and we were in.
Nice try kiddo
but your the only one chronically wrong here
P.S.- donmt say we when referring to the cowboys till you figure out when emmitt was drafted
yeah but that isnt what you said , and it still doesnt matter because it would have taken 2wins for US to be in
get your facts straight
Ps. Emmitt was drafted in 1990 , his rookie cards official release was in 91 by Topps Stadium Club , everybody told him he was to small to be a running back. his idol was walter payton , emmitt was bedside when walter died , walter told emmitt he was the one who wanted to break his record , Emmitt did it ............... Dont get me started on Emmitt fact, i did a school report on him in 7th grade..........
I was 8 when emmitt was drafted ..... how old are you ? I can allready tell your an attourney because you like to jade the truth and make peoples mistakes obvious after a hard days work oh and you like to twist peoples words around and give them false meaning.
Tell me this honestly without thinking about it , how old were you when Ed To Tall Jones was drafted ............ thats what i did ... I didnt feel like counting on my fingers to figure out what age i was when Emmitt was drafted .... because it wasnt even the point.
Good Day
Can we get a lock on this thread it is doing nothing but wasting space.
Maybe even a ban of a Newbie (who obviously likes to argue) I dont think i have seen one post of his in the information threads